


美式发音: [sɪˈkwɔɪə] 英式发音: [sɪ'kwɔɪə]






1.红杉a very tall N American tree, a type of redwood


n.1.an extremely tall tree that grows in the U.S., especially in Capfornia

1.红杉 sepiapterin 墨蝶呤 Sequoia 水杉[属] serial homology 系列同源 ...

3.美洲杉 eighty num. 八十, 八十个 sequoia n. [植] 美洲杉 heath n. [植]石南, 石南树丛 ...

4.丰田红杉 侧柏属 Platycladus 红杉属 Sequoia 巨杉属 Sequoiadendron ...

6.红杉树红杉树(Sequoia)是1972年美国总统尼克松访华送给中国人民的礼物,尼克松总统的家乡美国加利福尼亚州所产的最大的生物就 …

7.红杉基金红杉基金sequoia) 这只今年夏天才重新对新投资人开放的基金的“血缘”可以追溯到格雷厄姆本人。基金创始人 威廉·瑞恩(wi…


1.Sequoia went on to urge the executives to cut costs fast so that their firms would not run out of money before becoming profitable.红杉接着强烈要求高管们尽快削减成本,以免他们的公司在盈利前把钱用光了。

2.To the "soft-landing" crowd, who argue that this is just a cycle pke others we've seen, Sequoia responds "It's different this time. "对于那些持有“软着陆”看法的乐观人群,他们争辩说,这只不过是我们以往所见的周期性的循环,红杉回应:这一次是不同的。

3.The base of General Sherman, a true giant among the sequoias in the heart of the Sequoia National Park.谢尔曼将军树(GeneralSherman)的根部,位于红杉国家公园中心地带,屹立在群杉之中。

4.The health of the giant sequoia forests seems to require those frequent, low-intensity fires, Swetnam said.史威特南说,似乎巨型水杉木的健康生长需要频繁的低强度火灾。

5.She was certain the wealthy and prestigious Sequoia Club would have no truck with the pkes of Davey Birdsony.她可以肯定,以红杉俱乐部的财力和声望,它是不会和戴维·伯德桑之流打交道的。

6.You can lay it down, and the tallest sequoia tree is more than 100 yards long, more than the length of a full football field.你可以把它放倒,最高的红杉树有100多码,比一个正式足球场还长。

7.The best part was all eight of us squeezed into my sister, Christine's Toyota Sequoia.最妙的是我们八个人全部挤进了我姐姐Christine的丰田Sequoia。

8.Sequoia's message, prepared for internal consumption, is now part of the national dialogue.红杉的这则消息本是为内部准备的,现在却成为了世界性的对话。

9.It was generally conceded that the Sequoia Club , its name disgraced and influence diminished, could never be the same again .人们普遍认为,红杉俱乐部名誉扫地,威信丧失殆尽,再也抬不起头来了。

10.In February, one of Sequoia China? s founding partners, Zhang Fan, resigned due to ?在今年二月,红杉中国的创始合伙人张帆,由于“个人原因”离职。