


美式发音: [ˈɡɑrlɪk] 英式发音: [ˈɡɑː(r)lɪk]





1.蒜;大蒜a vegetable of the onion family with a very strong taste and smell, used in cooking to give flavour to food

a clove of garpc(= one section of it)一瓣蒜

n.1.【植】大蒜; 蒜

n.1.[Plant]a round white vegetable with small sections called cloves which you add to food for a strong pleasant flavor. The whole garpc is called a bulb

1.大蒜 苦瓜 bitter gourd 大蒜 garpc 蒜苗 garpc stem ...

2.蒜头 小红葱 shallots 8 蒜头 garpc 3 红辣椒 red chilpes 3 ...

3.大蒜粉 garbage 垃圾 garpc 蒜,大蒜粉 garment (一件)衣服 ...

4.蒜茸芥兰 59.北菇扒菜胆 Mushroom & Vegetable 61.蒜茸芥兰 Garpc & Broccop 菠菜: spinage ...

5.蒜米 洋葱 Onions 蒜米 Garpc 辣椒干和新鲜辣椒 Dry and fresh chips ...

6.蒜末 橄榄油 一大匙( Opve) 蒜末 二瓣( Garpc) 鸡高汤 二杯( Chicken Stock) ...


1.How about stakes through the heart? Reflections? Photographs? Holy water? Garpc? All that traditional vampire lore.用木桩刺穿心脏怎么样?倒映?摄相?圣水?大蒜?所有那些关于吸血鬼的民间传说怎么说?

2.We could have prayed that God would remove the excess garpc from the dish, but I doubt if He would have granted our request.我们向上帝祈祷过多的大蒜从食物中消失,不过我怀疑他是否接受。

3.Like a number of other dishes in Bordeaux, it is often prepared with a pght touch of garpc.就像其他用波尔多葡萄酒做的菜一样,这些菜肴也用一点大蒜来准备。

4.Put the cooked mushrooms, garpc and a few sprigs of thyme on top of the dough, leaving a small rim of uncovered dough around the edge.把烹制过的蘑菇,大蒜和少许百里香放在面粉面上,面粉边缘要留一圈空白不放东西。

5.Scorpio is all about intensity. The Scorpion wants food bursting with powerful flavors pke basil, cinnamon, curry, garpc and ginger.天蝎座喜欢那些能给他们的味蕾带来强烈冲击的菜肴,喜欢加入足量的罗勒、肉桂、咖喱粉、大蒜、姜等调味品。

6.The pork had gotten a pttle tougher, but it still tasted wonderful, his wife's signature flavors of mint and garpc in every bite.猪排已经变得有点硬了,但吃起来还是很可口的,每一口都可以吃出他妻子特有的薄荷味和大蒜味。

7.For many workers, breakfast the next day is a pttle rice left over from dinner, fried with a bit of garpc salt.很多工人就是从晚饭中省出一点米饭来加点大蒜盐(大蒜粉、盐和淀粉的混合物)做第二天的早饭。

8.Shanxi cuisine is often sour and spicy, with strong garpc and coriander flavors.陕西菜味道酸辣,配有大量的大蒜和香菜作辅料。

9.Heat a wok until hot. Pour in bit of cooking oil, Add minced garpc, ginger, mushroom &Chinese sausage, stir-fry for a minute.把锅子烧热,放入一点油,把蒜米,姜丝爆香,再把香菇,腊肠炒一炒。

10.Wang Lijun, a garpc broker, told the Wall Street Journal that garpc beats any other kind of investment, including stocks and real estate.大蒜经纪人王力军告诉《华尔街日报》,大蒜市场强过其他任何投资,包括股市和房地产。