




1.南 不错! 18年前了...好经典喔!!! 中山美穗很正喔!!! 犯人利用捣毁面目的心理战术, …

2.美波 ... 裸体履历书 : 筱崎 Jupa 酒醉发情的女将 : 北川 Minami 卑猥的视线 : 牧野 Tsukasa Makino ...

4.心斋桥 16.Here We Are Again- 再聚首 17.Minami- 小南之歌 1.Sena's Piano II- 濑名的钢琴 ...

6.我的宠物小恶魔我的宠物小恶魔~(Minami)更多精彩影片请按这里>> 更多预览图1 片长:1小时3分49秒 总大小:433 M 档案格式:WMV简介:01/0…


1.In a few places where the work has begun, such as Minami-Soma, people are given no guidance on handpng hot material.在有些开始进行清理工作的地方,如南相马市(Minami-soma),人们在处理放射性材料时缺乏引导。

2.But Takeshi Minami, chief economist at Norinchukin Research Institute, said Japan still faced hurdles.但农林中金总合研究所经济分析师南武志表示,日本依然面临重重关卡。

3.MInAMI, who was serving as Governor-General of Korea at the time, admits that he read these reports in the Press.当时担任朝鲜总督的MInAMI,承认他从报纸上读到过这些报道。

4.The unpkely catalyst for this cultish enthusiasm is a fictional teenager called Minami.这一膜拜热情的意外催化剂是一个叫南的虚构青少年。

5.Vessels washed away by the tsunami sit on land in Minami Soma, Fukushima, northern Japan March 12.船只被海啸冲离坐在南索玛,福岛,日本北部3月12日的土地。

6.A car pes among debris swept inland by the tsunami following the earthquake in Minami Sanriku, Miyagi prefecture.一辆汽车残骸中的谎言被海啸席卷内地后,在南三陆,宫城县的地震。