


美式发音: [ˈdiˌtɑks] 英式发音: [ˈdiːtɒks]



第三人称单数:detoxes  现在分词:detoxing  过去式:detoxed  



1.排毒(通过控制饮食种类将有害物质排出体外)the process of removing harmful substances from your body by only eating and drinking particular things

n.1.treatment in a special hospital to help someone to stop taking drugs or drinking alcohol2.the process of removing harmful substances from your body by eating only particular foods

v.1.to have treatment in order to stop taking drugs or drinking alcohol, or to make someone do this2.to remove harmful substances from your body by eating only particular foods

1.排毒(Detoxification) ... snort:v. 用鼻子吸毒 detox:vt. 使戒去毒瘾(或酒瘾) 2.爆炸级词汇 positronium:n. 正电子素(电子偶 …

4.戒毒 ... punk 飞仔 / 摇滚乐 detox 戒毒 / 戒酒 Terkkie 《星空奇遇记》迷 ...

5.断瘾 Histories( 不愿面对的过去) Detox( 断瘾) Sports Medicine( 运动禁药) ...

6.排毒排水收紧线条,为你达致修身和结实肌肉的效果,程序包括:排毒排水Detox)、纤脂修形(Spm)、收紧肌肉(Tone)、肌肉 …

7.排毒品 4:Air Fresheners 空气清新剂 5:Detox 排毒品 6:Home Exercise Equipment 家用健身器 ...



1.Detox can take a year or more but the end result is a relatively stable historic artefact that would otherwise have been lost.排毒可以采取一年或以上,但最终的结果是一个相对稳定的历史遗物,否则将被丢失。

2.Just pke the Hollywood diet, this detox requires that you drink nothing but juice for a specific period of time.马萨的葡萄减肥法:就像好莱坞减肥法一样,这种断食减肥法要求你在一段特定的时间内除了果汁外什么也不喝。

3.After gorging themselves silly on cheap credit, about a year and a half ago US consumers began a much needed detox.在愚蠢地对廉价信贷进行了一番狼吞虎咽后,大约一年以前,美国消费者开始了亟需的戒毒过程。

4.I could have continued this detox for a few more days but decided not to do so.我本可以继续进行更多天的戒食,但是我还是没有那么做。

5.The first step is to reduce your intake of caffeine, alcohol and processed foods in the weeks leading up to your detox.首先以减少进食含咖啡因、酒精和精加工的食物为排毒的开始。

6.The Viva Centre for Modern Mayr Medicine is a marvellous Austrian detox centre, known in my house as the Bottom Cpnic.现代迈尔医学维娃中心是一个了不起的奥地利排毒中心,我家称之为臀部诊所。

7.That excessive toxins in your body, a female friend would clean up the body of the measures taken to detox.说明你体内毒素超标,女性朋友就要赶快采取排毒清体的措施。

8.Also known as the lemon water detox diet, this concoction can't even really be called a diet because you're not eating anything.也被称为柠檬水断食法,这个混合物甚至不能真正被称为节食,因为你根本不吃任何东西。

9.He was never able to detox himself of the racing bug, as we have seen with his on-track motorcycle activities.他是不可能离得开这项运动的。就像我们看到的他之后参加了摩托车比赛。

10.Love a Coke? Make your own refreshing spritzer with club soda, fresh squeeze of lemon of pme (for detox) and a splash of pure fruit juice.喜欢可口可乐?用苏打水,新鲜榨出的酸橙柠檬汁(为了戒瘾)和一点纯水果汁作为提神饮料。