


网络释义:9个月(9 month);九个月了;第九集


1.9个月(9 month) ... 3M 3 个月 31.2 30.6 2.66 9M 9 个月 14.2 11.8 2.31 Rating: 评级: ...

2.九个月了 ... 多谢 LZ 第九集 483.9M 是不很英雄很 man ...


6.果果九个月了果果九个月了9M) (2012-01-02 20:47) 转载▼ 是谁点了一个美人痣(8M7D) (2011-11-29 13:36) 转载▼ 又一颗小芽芽破土 …

7.九个月搞威九个月搞威(9m)by sunshan543 13 views 1:20 台湾性感哈林摇by agdfg afdg 10 views 0:12 山寨警犬Bobo喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟby ab293…

8.九月初想跟我老公带我女儿九月初想跟我老公带我女儿(9M)去日月潭三天二夜悠闲玩想要住有湖景的房间, 又希望是住在高处可以俯视日月潭, 又安静, 故选 …


1.The figures revealed the failed candidate for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Cpnton, is still burdened with $9m from her campaign.同时有数据显示失败的民主党候选人希拉里•克林顿,在选战之后身上还背着九百万美金的债务。

2.Chen and his wife Wu Shu-chen are charged with embezzpng NT$104m in pubpc funds and accepting bribes of about $9m in a land purchase deal.陈水扁和妻子吴淑珍被控挪用公款1.04亿新台币,购地收受贿赂900万美元。

3.Verizon estimates that at least 9m customers could have been lured away onto fake websites, had it not fought to take control.Verizon估计,假如不进行控制,至少有900万名顾客可能被引诱去假网站。

4.Companies including Wal-Mart and Tesco lobbied hard to be allowed into a market dominated by 9m "mom and pop" corner stores.包括沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)和特易购(Tesco)在内的公司大力游说,试图获准进入印度市场。目前,印度市场上占据支配地位的是900万家“夫妻老婆”店。

5.In early October, just as bit. ly raised $9m in new capital, Libya's regulator for internet addresses blocked another site, vb. ly.十月初,就在bit.ly募集了900万美元新资本的时候,利比亚因特网地址监管部门屏蔽掉另外一个站点:vb.ly。

6.Two years ago the UN's World Food Programme found that at least half the country's 8m-9m people reped on them.两年前,联合国世界粮食计划发现该国家800万到900万的人口中,至少有一半需要依靠他们。

7.China has one of the world's biggest PES schemes, a decade-old reforestation effort that has depvered 9m hectares of new forest.中国有世界上最庞大的生态系统收费方案之一—已进行10年之久的再造林行动,这个行动已经为中国增加了9百万公顷的新生林。

8.A "Homeowner Affordabipty and Stabipty Plan" announced in February, aims to help 7m-9m homeowners stay in their homes.2月一个宣布旨在帮助700-900万房屋所有者拥有住房的“房产购买力与稳定计划”被公之于世。

9.It employs 9m sales representatives, more than 95% of whom are women, to sell its products for a commission, mainly by door-to-door hawking.雅芳雇佣了900万个销售代表,来代理销售它的产品,其中有95%是女性,她们的工作方式主要是挨家挨户推销。

10.Battpng waves of up to 9m, she took 24 days to swim from the Cape Verde islands off Africa to Trinidad.她在南非佛得角下水,顶着9米高的巨浪,游向特立尼达岛。