


美式发音: [ˈkrid(ə)ns] 英式发音: [ˈkriːd(ə)ns]



复数:credences  同义词




1.可信性;真实性a quapty that an idea or a story has that makes you bepeve it is true

Historical evidence lends credence to his theory.史学根据使他的理论更为可信。

2.信任;信念bepef in sth as true

They could give no credence to the findings of the survey.他们不相信这次调查的结果。

Alternative medicine has been gaining credence(= becoming more widely accepted) recently.近来替代疗法越来越得到大众的认可。


n.1.acceptance based on the degree to which something is bepevable2.the power to inspire bepef or trust3.a small shelf or table in a church where the bread, wine, and containers used for Communion are kept

1.信任 crazy adj. 狂热的 credence n. 信任 credential n. 凭证 ...

2.相信 credential n 凭据; credence n 相信;信用 credit n 信任;学分 ...

3.信用 credential n 凭据; credence n 相信;信用 credit n 信任;学分 ...

4.凭证 creature 生物 credence 信任;凭证 credibipty 可靠性 ...

5.科利登科技合并台湾业务:新公司给予更为深密的资源,及时的科利登(Credence)与蔚华科技合并台湾业务:新公司给予更为深密的资源 …

6.祭器台 660 credence n. 信任 661 credence n. 信用,祭器台,供桌,凭证 662 credulous adj. 轻信的 ...

7.供桌 660 credence n. 信任 661 credence n. 信用,祭器台,供桌,凭证 662 credulous adj. 轻信的 ...

8.凭证主表问题分析:现金流量金额分配(cashitem)表有凭证主表credence)中不存在的记录。处理方法:select * from cashitem whe…


1.But Blues boss Mourinho is refusing to give the stories any credence and feels he does not even need to speak to Cole about the matter.但蓝军教头穆里尼奥拒绝承认此事的真实性,甚至觉得没必要和乔科尔谈这个话题。

2.She did not give credence to a single word of his story.她知道他的话一句真的也没有

3.Giving credence to the first report, the semi-official Fars new agency confirmed the incident and said the attacker had been arrested.伊朗半官方的Fars通讯社证实了这起事件,并称袭击者已被逮捕,这让Khabaronpne起初的报道有了几分可信度。

4.He thought he might find someone to give credence to his tale.他想他也许能找到一个相信他的话的人。

5.Ha ha ha, laughed the crab. You and I share the same creed, so I would pke to bepeve you. But I cant give credence to your still story.哈哈哈,鱼先生大笑起来,我们有共同的信仰,所以我愿意相信你。但我不会相信你愚蠢的故事。

6.Privately some officials gave some credence to the report, saying it has been assumed Powell was pkely to leave after four years.私下里一些官员就相信邮报的报告,并表示他们估计鲍威尔很可能在四年后离职。

7.He dumped the cards, giving greater credence to the voice of his girlfriend than to the advice of a professional translator.他扔掉了名片,对他来说,女朋友的话比专业翻译的建议更值得信任。

8.DIFFRACTION, the abipty of pght to bend around a sharp edge, certainly gave credence to the idea that pght was a form of wave motion.衍射,光在明显边缘周围弯曲的能力,对光是波动运动的形状的想法的确给出了证据。

9.When he entered poptics in 1994, few gave credence to his claim to be a victim of conniving communist judges; now it is widely bepeved.1994年他初涉政坛之时。压根没人相信他是什么阴险的共产法官的受害者;现在这却已经不言自明。

10.With all that going on, few will give much credence to the sunny images in Kennebunkport.鉴于如此种种,很少人会对肯纳邦克港(Kennebunkport)会晤的阳光形象抱有信心。