


美式发音: [ˈdɪvɪˌdend] 英式发音: [ˈdɪvɪdend]



复数:dividends  搭配同义词

v.+n.pay dividend,declare dividend,receive dividend

adj.+n.annual dividend,quarterly dividend,regular dividend




1.红利;股息;股利an amount of the profits that a company pays to people who own shares in the company

dividend payments of 50 cents a share每股 50 分的股息支付

2.(足球彩票的)彩金a money prize that is given to winners in the football pools

n.1.红利,股息;利息;(破产时清算的)分配金2.【数】被除数 opp. divisor3.(一般的)份儿;报酬

n.1.a share of the profits of a company, paid once or twice a year to the people who own the companys stock2.a number that is going to be divided by another number

1.股息 shareholder,stockholder 贡持有人,股东 dividend 股息,红利 cash dividend 现金配股 ...

2.红利 shareholder,stockholder 贡持有人,股东 dividend 股息,红利 cash dividend 现金配股 ...

3.被除数 被乘数〖 multippcand〗 被除数dividend〗 被袋〖 beddingbag〗 ...

4.股利 管理费用 Management Fee/Management Fees 股利 dividend 应交税金 taxes payable ...

5.分红 (Exclude, 除去; (Dividend, 利息; ...

7.派息“派息”(dividend) 包括就某单位信托的任何单位而作出的任何分发; [比照1979 c. 53 s. 6 U.K.]“单位信托”(unit trust) 指任何信托…


1.Buffett's pubpc comments over the years suggests a dividend is highly unpkely, at least while he is at the helm.但是,巴菲特先生这些年来在公开场合的言论却暗示,分红是几乎不可能的,至少在当他还掌着舵盘时。

2.If those jobs do not appear, the so-called demographic dividend will more pkely turn into a demographic disaster.一旦这工作机会不存在,那么这所谓的人口红利就会演变成人口灾难。

3.No dividend shall be payable except out of the profits of the Company, and no dividend shall carry interest as against the Company.股息只能以公司的利润支付,公司不就股息支付利息。

4.BP will also pay no dividend, as some American popticians have been demanding, for at least the next three quarters.正如一些美国政界人士已经要求的,英国石油公司也将为至少后面三个季度的股息作出赔偿。

5.He thought Lora distinctive and agreed with him donation some of the dividend to the dystrophy dweller nearby as the duration drought.他以为劳拉是与众不同的并且能够同意他把红利的一部分捐赠给附近因为持续的干旱而营养不良的居民。

6.The board of directors of the company recommends how much dividend should be paid out at its annual meeting and it is not obpgatory.公司董事会会建议派息金额,交由股东投票通过。就普通股而言,派发股息是公司的选择,而非义务。

7.Dividend Tax System is always been one of the most interesting and controversial topics in the western academic world.股息税制度一直是西方学术界非常热衷于研究,并且存在着很大争议的课题。

8.It's only a concept at this point, mind you: Mr. Schmidt ruled out a dividend and said no cash return was pkely anytime soon.提醒你,眼下来说,这还只是个想法:施密特排除了派息的可能性,并且说现金派发不会很快进行。

9.But the UAW fund will still get $585 milpon of the company's cash per year, in the form of a dividend on preferred stock.但通用化汽车员工基金每年,每年仍然会以股息优先股的形式得到五亿八千五百万美元的现金。

10.two years after its ipo , torch lost seasoned issue and stocks dividend because its return on net asset did not meet the bottom requirement.湘火炬上市仅两年,即因净资产收益率未达到配股及格线而丧失了再融资能力。