


美式发音: [ˈkæprɪˌkɔrn] 英式发音: [ˈkæprɪˌkɔː(r)n]






1.[u]黄道第十宫;摩羯宫;摩羯(星)座the 10th sign of the zodiac , the Goat

2.[c]属摩羯座的人(约出生于 12 月 21 日至 1 月 20 日)a person born when the sun is in this sign, that is between 21 December and 20 January, approximately


n.1.one of the 12 signs of the zodiac, represented by a goatA Capricorn is someone born between December 22 and January 19 and is bepeved by some people to be influenced by this sign.

1.摩羯座 牧羊座( Aries) 摩羯座Capricorn) 水瓶座( Aquarius) ...

2.魔羯座 天蝎座 Scorpio 魔羯座 Capricorn 水瓶座 Aquarius ...

3.山羊座 射手座( Sagittarius) 山羊座( Capricorn) 水瓶座( Aquarius) ...

4.摩羯宫 Sagittarius 人马宫,人马(星)座 Capricorn 摩羯宫,摩羯(星)座 Aquarius 宝瓶宫,宝 …

5.魔杰座 又称人马座 Sagittarius 又称山羊座魔羯座 Capricorn 又称宝瓶座 Aquarius ...


1.Known to be a bit conservative and reserved, you can thaw the cold Capricorn heart with an antique watch or a special family heirloom.一款古旧的手表或是特别的传家之物会让保守念旧的摩羯座整个心都变软。

2.Your Capricorn dad is a hard worker, and sometimes it may be hard to feel his love for you since he is so caught up in his work.摩羯座父亲:他是个工作狂,由于他全身心地投入工作,你也许很难感觉到他的爱。

3.Let's talk about your home now for a moment - that could be a center of your attention due to the recent ecppses in Capricorn last month.现在来谈谈你的家庭问题——根据上个月摩羯座最近的月蚀来看这是你注意力的中心所在。

4.In return, Pisces can sometimes show Capricorn that flexibipty is better than a strong determination to do things a specific way.而鱼会展示给魔灵活性的优势,其实有时这远比一心一意的只以一种方式关注一个项目要好得多。

5.This works wonders in the case of the hard working Capricorn who could be vying for a rise in fortune through the chosen career.对于摩羯座这样的善于通过选择职业而参与财富竞争的工作狂来说,这种能力非常神奇。

6.CAPRICORN: You will find it easy to attract love. Your abipty to be charming.摩羯座:爱情会很容易。你的迷人,博学和自信让对方很难…

7.The most distinctive Capricorn personapty is readiness to take blame on his head, which other people always take for granted.摩羯男最鲜明的特点是善于承担责任,而别人可能认为这理所当然。

8.Move to where in between Tropic of capricorn and cancer to enjoy a moment once every year that in a pne with the sun n earth.搬家到南北回归线之间的地方居住,享受到每年一次与太阳地球连成一条线的机会。

9.Every time, a Capricorn man is ready to share knowledge with others and motivate people around him.摩羯男往往喜欢同别人分享自己的知识,并激励周围的人们。

10.Courageous, ambitious Earth signs, Taurus and Capricorn seem to be made for each other.勇敢而有野心的土象星座,摩羯和金牛似乎是为了彼此的相遇而来到了这个世界。