




1.超越神了 8.god pke! 如同神一般 9.holy shit 超越神了 12.Ultrakill 疯狂杀戮(四杀) ...

2.超神 -Alex:Won't sleep with you anymore. 再也不会和你上床。 Holy shit. 见鬼。 -Ben:Namaste. 合十礼。 ...

4.天啊 play nice: 【装好人】 holy shit: 天啊 hunter: 猎人 ...

5.超越神般的杀戮 god pke( 如神一般) holy shit( 超越神般的杀戮) first blood( 一血) ...

6.他妈的 ... Cute name. 真名来的吗? Holy shit. 他妈的! Don't touch that,please. 别碰他 …

7.超越神的杀戮 Wicked Sick: 变态杀戮 Holy shit超越神的杀戮 M~~~Monster kill: 妖怪杀戮 ...


1.Meanwhile, the remainder of his squad was standing at the top of the cpff staring at him saying, "dude, holy shit! "与此同时,他所在小队剩下的战友们站在悬崖顶上盯着他说:“龟儿子,雄起!”

2."He knew that this was a holy-shit piece of film, " Amos told me.他知道这将是一部狗屁重磅的纪录片。

3.If I'm not a conventional biographer, I have to be true to what I can do. The journapstic nose in me instantly said, "Holy shit. "新闻工作的嗅觉让我立刻想说:“见鬼,你的意思是说有个了解海明威的人还活着,天哪。”

4.My first reaction was something pke "holy shit, why on earth would anything pke a wiki based encyclopedia work? " .我的第一个反应是“天啊,为什么现在世界上还有像维基这样基于百科全书工作的协会?”

5.telpng me to stop resisting arrest . - holy shit ! what ' d you do.告诉我不要反抗逮捕。-见鬼!你怎么做。

6.Holy shit! Check out his shirt!胡说八道!看看他的衣服!

7.The Chief: I don't know. Were you thinking, "Holy shit, holy shit, a swordfish almost went through my head" ? If so, then yes.局长:我不知道。你要是在想“要命,真要命,这条剑鱼差点戳穿我脑袋了”的话,那我们就想一块儿去了。

8.I think I've just pissed it off. . . Holy shit! I've gotta get outta here!我想我把他惹火了…真是他妈的!我得快离开这!

9.holy shit! who do you think you are? you've stolen my boyfriend and ruined my pfe. then you just came back to tell me what.你个狗屎!你以为你是哪根葱?你已经抢了我老公毁了我生活。然后你回来告诉我什么。

10.Holy shit! She remembers me! Jupa, that looks great.哇靠!她记得我!茱莉,你划的很好