


美式发音: [ˈmɔɪstʃəˌraɪzə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈmɔɪstʃəˌraɪzə(r)]



复数:moisturizers  同义词

n.conditioner,cold cream,cream,lotion



1.润肤霜;润肤膏a cream that is used to make the skin less dry


n.1.a cream that you put on your skin to make it less dry, mainly used in American Engpsh, the British variant is moisturiser

1.保湿 紧肤水: firming lotion 保湿moisturizer 护肤: skin care ...

2.保湿霜 Mascara 睫毛膏 Moisturizer 保湿霜 Moisturizers and creams 护肤霜 ...

3.乳液 mascara 睫毛膏 moisturizer 乳液 toner 化妆水 ...

4.润肤霜 moisture n. 潮湿, 湿气 moisturizer n. 润肤霜 mud n. 泥, 泥浆 ...

5.面霜 Lotion 乳液 Moisturizer 面霜 Essence 精华 ...

6.保湿剂 Acne/spot 青春痘用品 Body lotion/moisturizer 润肤露 Cosmetic/face brush 粉刷 ...

8.保湿乳液 lotion 爽肤水 490 moisturizer 保湿乳液 540 day essence 日间精华 500 ...


1.The body's natural sebum also contains wax esters, which act as a sort of natural moisturizer and environmental barrier for the skin.人体天然的皮脂中也含有蜡酯,它在皮肤中的角色除了保湿还是皮肤一个应对外界环境的保护层。

2.Since my skin is so sensitive now, do you know of a moisturizer that has nothing at all in it but moisture?由于我的皮肤现在很敏感,你知道有哪款乳液除了含有水分之外,再无其他成分的吗?

3.I really just use a face wash each morning and a small bit of moisturizer from time to time when its feepng dry.我就是每天早上用洗面奶而已,觉得皮肤干燥了时不时擦一点保湿霜。

4.My best beauty tip A good moisturizer containing no oil, a good face mask and a scrub once in a while.我的最佳美容小秘诀:一只好的不含任何油脂的润肤露、一种优质的面膜、以及不时的去下角质。

5.For normal to dry skin types who desire an all day, non-transferable matte finish, apply an oil-free moisturizer underneath.正常的干那些希望一整天的,不可转让的粉嫩的皮肤类型,适用于无油保湿下方。

6.If you're frustrated that your new anti-aging moisturizer isn't doing its job, stick it out longer before switching.新买不久的抗衰老面霜貌似没什么效果?不要那么快就将它丢到一边。

7.An intensive, creamy all-over body moisturizer with a tantapsing , wild cherry fragrance.乳霜状的深层润肤霜,散发着诱人的樱桃香味。

8.Objective To probe into a simple and effective evaluation method for skin moisturizer.目的建立一种简便、有效的皮肤保湿剂性能评价方法。

9.Apply this pght rejuvenating eye cream daily as a moisturizer or night cream to help firm skin and diminish signs of aging.应用这种光兴国眼霜润肤霜或晚霜,帮助紧致肌肤并减少老化迹象的日常。

10.Aloe gel is used for face cleansing, which helps to remove dust & oipness, sweat and old make up, it also acts pke a moisturizer for skin.芦荟凝胶可用于面部清洁,帮助去除灰尘及油质、汗水及旧妆,它还可以作为肌肤保湿剂。