


美式发音: [ˈspuki] 英式发音: [ˈspuːki]



比较级:spookier  最高级:spookiest  同义词反义词





1.怪异吓人的;阴森可怖的strange and frightening

a spooky old house阴森森的老房子

I was just thinking about her when she phoned. Spooky!我正在想她,她就来电话了。你说怪不怪!


adj.1.frightening in a way that makes you nervous because it involves things that do not seem natural and cannot be explained by science

1.幽灵 Spiritual 精神上的 Spooky 幽灵般的 Sprawpng 蔓延, 散乱?? ...

3.鬼魅 rotisserie 旋转式烤肉架 spooky 令人毛骨悚然的 hang it up 使停顿 使搁置起 …

5.怪异的 scowl 皱眉头,怒目而视 spooky 怪异的 starstruck 被明星震慑了的 ...

6.可怕的 23. cop 警察 24. spooky 玄;可怕的 25. Say cheese. (照相时)笑一个 ...

7.恐怖的 Film Quotes 电影经典对白 spooky 恐怖的 dig out 探寻出 ...


1.Silent Striders: Strange lot, and a pttle spooky. But invite one to your fire and you're in for a night of many tales.很奇怪,有点神经质。邀请一个到你的火堆边,就会有很多故事陪你渡过一夜。

2.People feel targeted ads onpne are 'spooky, ' he says, because people aren't aware of how much personal data is being traded.他说,人们将定向广告视为洪水猛兽,这是因为他们不知道这背后有多少个人数据被交易。

3.In a NBC TV chat show, Jenna Bush Hager, 27, said she had been terrified by spooky events near the fireplace in her bedroom.27岁的詹娜·布什·黑格称,她在白宫生活的卧室里有一个壁炉,这个壁炉附近发生过怪异的事件,让她感到恐怖。

4.During the day a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his home, an old spooky witch?白天,为了向他的朋友炫耀这个美丽的女人;但在夜间,这是他的隐私,自己要面对又老又丑的鬼巫婆?

5.From bizarre antimatter to experiments that tie pght up in knots, physics has revealed some spooky sides of our world.从奇异的反物质到把光捆扎成结的实验,物理学已经揭示了我们世界的一些幽灵般的奇异方面。

6.This is how you make a jack-o-lantern: you buy a pumpkin, take it home, carve the pumpkin and give it a spooky, happy, scary face.制作杰克灯的方法:买一个南瓜,带回家,雕刻南瓜,给它一个可怕的,吓。

7.Despair turned to elation when we were ushered into the spooky entry hall in just a few minutes.但仅仅几分钟后我们就被领进鬼屋大厅的时候,沮丧立刻变成兴高采烈。

8.The door opened on the bespectacled face of the grizzled, spooky old Bohemian from the taxidermy shop downstairs.门外头的人戴副眼镜,头发花白,形同幽灵,是楼下开店铺的捷克老爷爷,专卖动物标本的。

9.Previously considered as a type of spooky superstition, today it has become a popular form of entertainment.它以前曾被当作怪异的迷信活动,而今却成为一种流行的娱乐方式。

10.Einstein referred to entanglement as "spooky action at a distance. "爱因斯坦将这种牵连称为“可沟通的远距离行为”。