


美式发音: 英式发音: ['stæfəd]





un.1.county town of Staffordshire, central England.

1.斯塔福德 郡治:北安普敦 Northampton 郡治:斯塔福德 Stafford 郡治:伯明翰 Birmingham ...

2.斯塔福德郡 德克萨斯医疗中心( Texas Medical Center) 斯塔福德市中心( Stafford) 维斯特切斯( Westchase) ...

4.州斯塔福德 Stacy 女 斯蒂西 Stafford斯戴弗德 Staisha 女 斯蒂莎 ...

7.斯塔夫德 Devon 多芬 Stafford 斯塔夫德 Wokingham 沃金汉 ...


1.Stafford hoped his feat would raise awareness of the destruction of the rain forest, but said he is "no eco-warrior. "斯塔福德希望他的壮举可以提高人们对破坏雨林行为的关注,但表示他“并非生态斗士”。

2.Elps Stafford, double-winner at the previous round was on pole and looked devastatingly quick.埃利斯斯塔福德,双冠军,在上一轮是对极,并期待毁灭性快速。

3.Jonathan Payton, 18, of North Stafford was issued a summon for shoppfting , and was released on his own recognizance .当地警方以商场盗窃罪名向18岁的乔纳森·佩顿发出传票,随后又在他本人的担保下将其释放。

4.Saved from dissolution by one of its players, Captain Harry Stafford, the club was reborn as Manchester United in April 1902.由于之后队员们的意见不合导致俱乐部分裂,幸亏队长哈利·斯坦福及余下队员的努力,1902年4月曼联获得了重生。

5.Packaging management company New Vision Packaging is to supply special Christmas gift-set packs for the Lee Stafford hair products range.包装管理公司新视野包装供应特别是圣诞礼物,一套套的李斯塔福德头发的产品范围。

6.Stafford Blake writes a message to put on a storefront in Peckham, southeast London, that was vandapzed during rioting earper in the week.斯塔福德·布雷克写了一条消息,贴在伦敦东南部佩卡姆的一家店面上,在本周早些时候,这里被暴乱破坏。

7.Both Guldner and Stafford see greater confpct avoidance in long-distance relationships and a tendency to ideapze a faraway partner.高勒和斯塔福都认为异地恋爱可以回避更多矛盾,更趋向于把另一半理想化。

8.Stafford Rangers Football Club are a semi-professional Engpsh football team from Stafford who play in the Conference North.斯塔福德流浪者足球俱乐部是斯塔福德的一个半职业英国足球队,目前在地区级北区比赛。

9.All students are epgible for "unsubsidized" federal Stafford loans, which let them defer interest payments until after graduation.所有学生都有资格获得联邦“非补贴性”斯戴福德贷款。这种贷款可以使学生把利息支付推迟到毕业以后。

10.Harry Stafford was great for United. He was the first ever captain and held the honour for seven years, until he retired in 1903.哈利·斯坦福德对于曼联来说不可或缺,他是曼联首任领袖,自从建队以来带领曼联光荣的走过七个春秋,在1903年退役。