


美式发音: [ˈpleɪˌbɔɪ] 英式发音: ['pleɪ.bɔɪ]






1.寻欢作乐的有钱男子;花花公子;纨绔子弟a rich man who spends his time enjoying himself


n.1.a man who is rich and spends his time enjoying himself instead of working


4.纨绔子弟 26 Money 理财 34 Playboy 男性 36 Seventeen 青年 ...

6.花花公子户外 ... Polar fire( 极地火) playboy( 花花公子户外) US_Lpardxl( 美国豹牌) ...

7.花花公子皮带 Nike 耐克男女鞋跑步鞋 PLAYBOY 花花公子皮带 prada 钱包手拿包 ...

8.花花公子系列 Lichade 理查德系列 PLAYBOY 花花公子系列 Ray-Ban 雷朋系列 ...


1.The original Playboy Bunnies were waitresses at the many clubs the company used to run but shut down in the late 1980s.花花公子兔女郎最初在公司经营的很多俱乐部担任女招待,但80年代末都关闭了。

2.If Rihanna is going to pose naked, she's not going to do it for the money, and it won't be for Playboy . . . at least anytime soon.如果Rihanna要拍裸照的话,她不会因为金钱去拍,更不会为花花公子杂志拍,至少在短期内不会。

3.But with this week's opening of the Playboy Club Macao, Flanders is confident he's found a place for the iconic company in the digital age.但随着本周的澳门开幕的花花公子俱乐部,法兰德斯相信他的发现了一个标志性的公司在数字化时代的地方。

4.Then she motioned to the playboy, who came out of the closet, snuck up from behind, and hit the old priest on the head!女人给花花公子打了个手势,他便从壁橱里出来,悄悄地走到牧师身后,狠打他的头!

5.He said the magazine hoped to attract readers in their 20s compared to the average Playboy reader's age of 35.他说《花花公子》希望能吸引20多岁的读者,而该杂志读者群平均年龄在35岁左右。

6.As he settled into his adopted state, Rockefeller worked hard to shed the playboy image that had dogged him in New York.在第二故乡定居下来后,洛克菲勒拼命工作以摆脱在纽约时困扰他的花花公子的形象。

7.John: Have you always been a bit of a playboy?约翰:你一直是这样有点像个花花公子似的吧?

8.I was just kidding when I said you were a playboy pke Bill Cpnton.当我说你是象比尔·克林顿一样的花花公子时,我是在跟你开玩笑。

9."The guy who did Playboy got married, and his wife told him he couldn't do it anymore, " Hanks explains. "So they came and asked me. "“之前读《花花公子》的男士结婚了,妻子不再让他继续做下去,”汉克斯解释道。“所以他们来叫我去。”

10.Norris decpned to comment on how much Playboy would pay the models, but did say they would be able to choose how much flesh they bare.诺丽斯没有透露《花花公子》向这些模特提供的报酬数目,但是她说模特们可以自由选择露多少肉。