


美式发音: [ˈkɑntrəˌbænd] 英式发音: [ˈkɒntrəbænd]






1.(非法带入或带出国境的)禁运品,走私货goods that are illegally taken into or out of a country

contraband goods违禁货物

to smuggle contraband走私违禁品



n.1.goods that are brought into or taken out of a country illegally

1.禁运品 驳船费 pghterage 违禁品 contraband 重货 heavy pfts ...

3.走私 contravene 违反,违背 contraband 走私 counter- 表示"反对,相反" ...


5.走私货 contort (使)扭曲 contraband 违禁品,走私货 contract 合同;v.订合同;收缩 ...

6.黑货 黑话〖 argot;cant〗 黑货contraband〗 黑晶晶〖 shinyblack〗 ...

7.违禁物品 违法物品 contraband 违禁物品 contraband 误卸货物 mis-discharged cargo ...

8.禁运的 contravene 违反;与……相抵触;否认 contraband 走私品;禁运的 counteract 抵消,中和;抵制 ...


1.To be certain, the contraband rice trade is at this point simply an anecdote, however widely bandied about in the grain market.诚然,无论在粮食市场上如何传得沸沸扬扬,水稻走私贸易目前还只是传闻轶事。

2.The invention discloses a detection method and a system used for detecting contraband by photoneutron-X ray.本发明公开了一种光中子-X射线违禁品检测方法和系统。

3.By July, he began pressing the Lincoln administration to admit that the contrabands were not really contraband: that they had become free.到7月,他开始向林肯政府施压,要林肯政府承认这些敌人的财产并不只是财产,他们已经自由了。

4.they are looking for contraband , undeclared goods , and people , including terrorists , trying to enter the country illegally.他们查找走私,未申报的商品以及包括恐怖分子在内想非法进入本国的人。

5.Contraband and articles of the criminal's own property used for committing the crime shall be confiscated.违禁品和供犯罪所用的本人财物,应当予以没收。

6.When Musa got into a dispute with the gang, and refused to pay for the contraband, he was assassinated.后来穆萨与黑帮起了争执,继而拒绝为走私品买单,于是,他遭到了暗杀。

7.Hold up the major cigarette companies strictly repable for any of the cigarette they export ending up as smuggled contraband.支持主要的烟草公司严格保证他们所出口的任何香烟都不成为走私香烟。

8.No vehicles loaded with inflammable, explosive, poisonous, harmful or other dangerous cargo or other contraband goods shall be parked.不得停放装有易燃、易爆、有毒、有害等危险物品或者其他违禁物品的车辆。

9.The draft statement would give new force to a regime of inspecting cargo coming into and out of North Korea for contraband goods, Ms.赖斯说,声明草案将授于一个机构新的权力,对进出朝鲜的货船实行禁运品检查。

10.European officials at the South African meeting said they couldn't fight contraband without at least talking to legal producers.欧盟官员在南非的会议上指出,如果连与合法的厂家沟通都不允许,他们将无能为力去打击走私。