




1.山本五十六(4)山本五十六(Yamamoto) 日本海军上将,同时也是一名战争狂人,尽管反对与美国开战,但在第二次世界大战期间仍统帅日 …

2.山本微差压计山本微差压计(YAMAMOTO)WO81PRT10无磁不锈钢砝码UD-ST砂轮平衡支架 砂轮静平衡架40,100机电 摩氏硬度计/莫氏硬度 …

3.日本山本供应日本山本YAMAMOTO)硬度标准片(图)offer详细描述:2 offer详细描述:3 offer详细描述:4 产品搜索 产品分类 您可能 …

4.山本君山本君Yamamoto)(山本君 CV:间岛淳司) ﹝台湾CV:刘杰﹞动画版原创角色,暗恋樱田 纪的同班同学,每次想约樱田 …

5.山本镇滨小镇山本镇Yamamoto)镇公所外排起了多队长龙,有的是寻求政府救济的灾民,有的是想打电话的人,还有的是排队等候 …


1.He's probably on his way to the Fair to see Mr. O' Neill , or else he's with Mr. Yamamoto .他大概到万博会去探望欧尼尔先生,或者在山本先生那边。

2.FRANK YAMAMOTO: People come from around the world to see the Fair. You're lucky. You pve right around the corner.人们从世界各地到万博会来参观,您很幸运,您刚好住在附近。

3.Because many of my friends have told me about him and his excellent shop. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Yamamoto. Our name is Nikzad.因為我有很多朋友曾經跟我談過他以及他經營得很不錯的商店.很高興認識你,山本先生,敝姓尼克薩德。

4.Yamamoto: I wanted to call and tell you Ap's with me.我原想打电话告诉你阿里在我那里。

5.HUSSEIN: I wish I had known about this place for my birthday. Ap, open your presents. Here's one from Mr. Yamamoto.我上次过生日的时候,如果知道有这个地方,多好。阿里,拆开你的礼物。这?是山本先生送的。

6.Mr Yamamoto says: "There could be an increasing number of cases brought by the universities against the companies. "山本孝文表示:“大学起诉公司的案件可能会增多。”

7.Notably, Yamamoto has used fabric made from Gore (usually used for alpine trekking) for blazers and parker coats.令人关注的是,山本耀司使用Gore(通常用于登山服装)面料制作出了运动夹克和短外套。

8.In the end, Mr. Yamamoto came out ahead with the help of the Liberal Democratic Party's strong voter base in the prefecture.最终,在自民党在该县的强大选民基础的帮助下,山本赢得了选举。

9.Taro Yamamoto, Japanese actor was invited to participate in the day of the meeting as a guest.日本演员山本太郎受邀作为嘉宾参加当天的集会。

10.The idea of a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor originated in the brain of Admiral Yamamoto, the Japanese Commander-in-chief.空袭珍珠港的念头是日本海军总司令山本大将想出的。