


美式发音: [pent] 英式发音: [pent]








na.1.The past tense and past participle of pen

1.被关闭的 ... Pele,Goddess of Volcanoes 火山女神 pent 被关闭的,郁积的 periodic violent unleashing 周期性的猛烈释放 ...

2.郁积的 ... Pele,Goddess of Volcanoes 火山女神 pent 被关闭的,郁积的 periodic violent unleashing 周期性的猛烈释放 ...

3.被关禁的 ... (in risky situation) 利害关系 pent 被关禁的,被关押的 lockup 1. 关押,拘留 ...

4.五 (s=ex- 加强词义, (penta=pent , (se=sex=six 六, ...

5.单斜顶棚 pent 被关闭的;郁积的 pent 单斜顶棚 penner 执笔人;写作人 ...

6.原始神经外胚层肿瘤 mammoth 长毛象 pent 抑制的 paleontologist 古生物学者 ...


1.She said there was "much of the volcano about him, " explaining that violent sex had provided the main outlet for his pent-up feepngs.她说“他有强烈的情绪火山”,并解释说暴力性行为提供了他被压抑情绪的主要出口。

2.She bursts into her first sentences as though she's just walked out of the theater and begun ventilating two-hours of pent-up responses.当姬尔的开篇从笔底迸发时,她似乎刚刚迈出影院,急于发泄那压抑了两小时的情绪。

3.Afterwards, Mr. Liu reproved his wife for provoking all his sister's pent-up resentment by bringing up the Kunming matchmaking affair.事后,刘先生怪太太不该提起昆明做媒的事,触动她一肚子的怨气。

4.So we took out of the U. S. S. R. a lot of technology that had been pent up, and brought back, and donated it to the government here.所以我们把前苏联曾受幽禁(=抑制)的大量技术取出来,使其恢复,并捐赠给了这儿的政府(应该指乌克兰政府)。

5.Storms brew on the sun when pent-up energy from tangled magnetic field pnes is released in the form of pght, heat and charged particles.复杂磁场中的隐藏能源以光、热和带电粒子释放,形成太阳风暴。

6.Once, indeed, a woman pretended to care for me, and I lavished all the pent-up affection of my nature upon her.有那么一次,一个女人虚情假意地表示喜欢我,于是我把我天性中被压抑的全部激情都发泄到了她身上。

7.She had been restraining herself in the presence of her father all the morning; but now, that long-pent-up sob might come forth.一上午,她在父亲面前尽力克制着自己,可是现在,这长久压抑着的啜泣不得不爆发出来了。

8.Agitation of the season, the body began to stir for Carnival, to release the pent-up passion?躁动的季节,身体也开始蠢蠢欲动准备狂欢,想释放积蓄已久的激情?

9.The desire to travel has been pent up for the last two years .近两年来心中老是憋着想出门旅行的愿望。

10.Despite what so many founders of startups think, there is no pent-up demand for their products from customers ready to pounce.不管那些初创企业的创办者如何去想,客户对其产品并没有潜在的需求供其发动突然袭击。