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1.泰特品都是从全世界各地的私人藏家和美术馆借来的,包括:英国泰特美术馆(Tate),MOMA 纽约(MOMA New York) ,马德里提 …


1.Interviewer: Those are pretty impressive figures. Maybe the fact that the Tate Modern is free to visit might have something to do with it?采访者:真是些令人咋舌的数字。泰特现代美术馆所拥有的惊人访客量与它的免费开放有什么关联吗?

2.Mr Doig is still trying to come to terms with the price put on his work. His accomppshed Tate show ought to help him do so.道格仍希望人们能够认识到他的作品的价值,在泰特艺术中心的个人展正在帮助他完成这个心愿。

3.She is in a love dilemma - whether to remain with her 'once-again' beau John Mayer or to go back to her ex- fiance Tate Donovan.这位《老友记》一线红星的爱情困惑是:不知道是与刚复合的男友约翰·梅尔继续拍拖呢,还是回到前未婚夫塔特·多诺夫身边。

4.Any activity that raises the heart Tate and is maintained for at least 20 minutes is considered aerobic .任何提高心率并能维持20分钟以上的活动都被认为是有氧运动。

5.Anyway, Rothko sealed the special relationship when he made a spectacular gift to the Tate Gallery.无论如何,当罗斯科献给泰特现代艺术馆一份壮观的礼物之时,他封印了这份特殊关系。

6.Pain has followed Polanski. When he was thirty-five, his wife Sharon Tate was brutally murdered by Charles Manson and his followers.但痛苦一直跟随他,他在三十五岁时,太太莎朗泰特被查理斯文逊及其党羽以残暴的手法杀死。

7.A. I haven't seen Tate for a week. What's wrong with him?一周多没见泰特了,他怎么了?

8.Sheena Wagstaff, chief curator at Tate Modern, said the work combined "an epic sense of scale with an exquisite level of craftsmanship" .泰特现代美术馆馆长希娜•瓦格斯塔夫(SheenaWagstaff)表示,这件作品将“精湛的工艺水平与史诗般的规模”结合起来。

9.BARBARA KLEIN: Making these hearts is not easy. Tate works with a team of glass artists at a studio in the state of North Caropna.芭芭拉KLEIN:这些心是不容易的。大老队在北卡罗莱纳州的工作室的玻璃艺术家的作品。

10.He says that, just as Londoners decided to hang out at the Tate Modern, Beijingers have begun hanging out at the Bird's Nest.他表示,正如伦敦人决定到泰特现代美术馆闲逛一样,北京人已开始在鸟巢附近玩耍。