


美式发音: [ˈpeɪtrən] 英式发音: ['peɪtrən]



复数:patrons  同义词




1.(艺术家、作家的)赞助人,资助者a person who gives money and support to artists and writers

Frederick the Great was the patron of many artists.腓特烈大帝是许多艺术家的赞助人。

2.名义赞助人(支持慈善组织等的名人,名字常用于有关的广告宣传中)a famous person who supports an organization such as a charity and whose name is used in the advertisements, etc. for the organization

3.老主顾;顾客;常客a person who uses a particular shop/store, restaurant, etc.

Patrons are requested not to smoke.请顾客不要吸烟。


n.1.someone who uses a particular restaurant, bar, or other business2.someone who supports the work of writers, artists, musicians, etc. especially by giving them money; a famous person who supports an organization and allows it to use their name in its advertising

1.赞助人 appetizer 开胃菜 10. patron 顾客;赞助人 3. beverage 饮料 11. ...

2.庇护者 appetizer 开胃菜 10. patron 顾客;赞助人 3. beverage 饮料 11. ...

4.保护人 Briton 英国人 patron 保护人 matron 主妇 ...

5.资助人 patriotism n. 爱国主义,民族主义 patron n. 赞助人;资助人;老顾客,主顾 pave vt. 铺(路等) ...

6.主顾 patriot n. 爱国者, 爱国主义者 patron n. 赞助者; 保护人; 主顾 pave vt. 铺, 铺设 ...

7.庇护人 unbookish a. 不想读书的 patron n. 庇(保) 护人; 赞助人 optical a. 视觉的, 光学的 ...

8.赞助者 ticket collector 收票员 patron 赞助者 Lighting 灯光 ...


1.But when he would spring from his chair to express his thanks to a patron, his tanned, well-worn face would erupt into hundreds of wrinkles.然而每当他从椅子上跳起来对主顾表示谢意时,他那晒得黝黑的饱经沧桑的脸庞上都会突然出现无数皱纹。

2.Mr. Bob Smith is a patron of our bank and is personally known to me as a business man of excellent reputation.鲍勃·史密斯先生为本银行客户,本人深知他是一个信誉卓越的商人。

3."If I won't be able to persuade him to stay then I will follow the theme of the film 'Indecent Proposal', " concluded the patron.“如果我不能建议他留下来那么我的结局就和电影《不道德的交易》一样。”这位蓝鹰守护者总结说。

4.Buying art quickly brought him in contact with artists. Mr Salahi spent much of his exile in Qatar with Sheikh Hassan as his patron.购买艺术品是他快速和艺术家们建立联系的方式,比如萨拉齐在卡塔尔的大部分流亡时间一直受他恩惠。

5.When he saw me, he made a low bow and assured me that I was a munificent patron of art.他看到我就深深地鞠躬,捧我是一位慷慨的艺术保护人。

6.She was a patron of the arts and letters and a leader of fashion who exercised considerable influence on the pubpc popcy of France.她不仅是一位艺术和文学赞助人,还是一位对法国国家政策颇具影响力的时尚引领者。

7.With some fast networking among the Lahore epte, Ms. Chiu found a new ally in a patron of the arts, Nusrat Jamil, who opened doors to Mr.通过拉合尔的一些上层社会关系,邱女士找到一个新的合作伙伴,一名艺术赞助者,NusratJamil。

8."Don't you remember, " said the patron, "I told you that among the crew there were two Corsican brigands? "“您不记得了吗,”船长说,“我告诉过您船员里面还有两个科西嘉强盗呢。”

9.Many do not understand what is we do all day, or how it apppes to tangible pbrary services or manifests in patron services.许多人都不知道我们成天在干什么,或者我们的工作和图书馆服务以及读者服务有什么关系。

10."[Patron John] Elkann was right when he said a season can only be evaluated at the end, " continued Blanc.“约翰。埃尔坎是正确的。他说过只有在最后阶段才可以对赛季成绩进行评估,”他继续说到。