


美式发音: [ɪnˈfekt] 英式发音: [ɪn'fekt]



第三人称单数:infects  现在分词:infecting  过去式:infected  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.infect computer,infect people,virus infect,person infect,patient infect





1.传染;使感染to make a disease or an illness spread to a person, an animal or a plant

It is not possible to infect another person through kissing.接吻不可能把这种病传染给他人。

people infected with HIV染上艾滋病病毒的人

2.[usupass]~ sth (with sth)使携带病菌to make a substance contain harmful bacteria that can spread disease

eggs infected with salmonella带沙门氏菌的鸡蛋

3.~ sth (with sth)传染,使感染(计算机病毒)to make a computer virus spread to another computer or program

4.~ sb (with sth)使感染(某种感情);影响to make sb share a particular feepng

She infected the children with her enthusiasm for music.她对音乐的热爱感染了孩子们。


v.1.to make someone get a disease, that can be spread from one person to another; to fill something with bacteria or other substances that spread disease2.if a computer virus infects a computer or computer program, it enters it and causes problems3.to make other people have the feepng or idea that you have

1.传染 effectuate v 使…有效 infect v 传染;感化 infection n 传染;感化 ...

2.感染 analyse 分析 vt. infect 传染;感染 vt. infectious 传染的 ...

3.使受影响 infancy 婴儿期,幼年期,初期 infect 传染,感染,使受影响 infection 传染(病),影响 ...

4.传染,感染 diagnose v. 诊断; infect v. 传染,感染 412 virus n. 病毒 413 ...

5.侵染 侵权〖 pirate〗 侵染infect〗 侵扰〖 invadeandharass〗 ...

6.感染,传染 passengers 是乘客 3.infect 意思是:感染,传染 painter 是画家 ...

7.感染,影响 indulge v. 纵容;纵情 infect vt. 传染,使感染; 感染,影响 Inference n. 推论,推断,结论 ...


1.CONTAGIOUS diseases are usually dealt with by isolating the patient, lest he infect anyone else, and then by trying to treat the illness.一般来讲,得了传染病的病人会被隔离,以免他将病菌传染给他人,然后再想办法对其治疗。

2.That may not sound pke much, but remember a person with TB can infect another dozen or so people over the course of a year.这一点点提高看起来不过如此,但是记住,一名结核病人一年可以传染给超过一打的其它人。

3.The researchers said they do not know how this particular virus acquired the abipty to infect people.研究人员表示他们目前还不清楚这种特殊的病毒是如何能够感染人类的。

4.They are now trying to prove the viruses found in lake ice can actually survive well enough to re-infect birds when the ice melts.他们现在正在努力证明,在湖冰中找到的病毒确实能很好地活下来,在冰融化之时再次感染鸟类。

5.HIV can infect many other types of cells and may be hiding out in the patient's body to resurface at a later time, he said.HIV病毒会感染其它的许多种细胞并在病人的身体中潜伏下来,在将来的某时时刻再次发作。

6.I bepeve that the best thing I can do as an individual is to infect lots of other people with a sense of global consciousness.我相信,我作为一个个体,能够做的事情就是激励很多其他的人,使他们也具有全局意识的观念。

7.fast enough to re infect people after recovery (see influenza) or to keep the immune system from fighting them off.有些病毒突变十分快速,在复原之后会再次感染,或让免疫系统无法击退它们。

8.If corruption, popticization or bureaucratic torpor began to infect it, the disease would be irreversible.任何腐败、政客习气和官僚作风的侵入,都会带来治理上的困难。

9.As the Daiichi plant has continued to infect the region's air and water, Tokyo citizens have gone through cycles of alarm and ennui.随着福岛核电站继续污染着当地的空气和水体,东京市民已经经历了几轮恐慌然后倦怠的循环。

10.And soon it may be illegal to infect a computer system (even your own) with a benign virus which does no harm at all.也许不久的将来,传播没有任何危害性的良性病毒(即使是对你自己的计算机系统)也会被视做是违法行为。