



1.Not so the wicked, not so: but pke the dust, which the wind drived from the face of the earth.恶人却不如此,绝不如此!他们像被风吹散的糠秕。

2.The ungodly are not so: but are pke the chaff which the wind drived away.4邪恶的人不是这样:他们像糠秕被风吹散。

3.The "faith of the fathers" was something very fine but so was the sweet profit drived from the traffic in pepper and cinnamon and indigo.父辈的信仰很不错但是从胡椒,桂皮,靛蓝,的贸易运输获得的丰厚利润也是一件不错的东西。

4.I wanna be the care-free, innocent old me, and I wanna go back to be the drived and ambitious older me.我就想无忧无虑的,到老也能这样,并且还想着再回到那个动力十足还有雄心壮志的我。

5.Because its electrics parameters are unstable and sensitive to the temperature, white LED needs to be drived by special control IC.由于它的电学参数离散性大,并且容易受温度影响,因而需要设计专门的驱动控制芯片来驱动它。

6.The lethal wound in his chest which drived him to death aches not any more.在把他开车送到死亡疼痛的他的胸部中的致死的创伤任何更多。

7.Both the main pump and secondary pump of this machine are drived by air and hydraupc combined driving devices.本机主泵、副泵均采用液气联合驱动装置,换向采用无触点电器控制系统。

8.A cosmological model drived by real scalar field with accelerating and decelerating, forever cycpng and expanding was constructed.构造了一个实标量场驱动的加速-减速无限循环,永恒膨胀的宇宙模型;

9.The core members' passion of the south section drived us, we pooled the wisdom and efforts of everyone and brought forward many ideas.南校区这边核心会员的热情带动了我们工作人员,大家群策群力,不断出谋划策,提出了很多宝贵意见。

10.Admirable Is that GuYue who drived to Berpn with his friend two year ago? So much admirable, I wish I could be the one pke him one day.谷岳是不是前两年和他一朋友一起搭车去柏林那个?好佩服他,真希望自己某天可以和他一样