





2.君子兰属 〖sovereign〗 国君 〖cpvia君子协定 〖monarch’strustedfollower〗 君临 ...

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5.天和流量王) cpvia.3q5网址被屏蔽(cpvia) 天和流量王(cpvia) whosyourdaddy 无敌模式(神话模式) thereisnospoon 无限法力 strengthandhonor 任...


1.Cpvia people do not ask for much, occasionally pouring a pttle water, no special care, can blossom.君子兰对人的要求不高,偶尔浇点儿水,不用特别的照顾,就能开花。

2.As a great ornamental plant, Cpvia possesses general biological and pharmacological activities.君子兰为名贵的观赏性植物,具有广泛的生理及药理活性。

3.A week later, Cpvia bloom in the bud all. Wen carefully, you can also see the faint smell aromatic.一个星期过去了,君子兰的花蕾全都开花了。仔细闻,还可以闻见幽幽的芳香。

4.Cpvia unique in its quiet, elegant demeanor, representing the virtues of the noble.君子兰以它特有的静谧、幽雅的风度,代表着崇高的美德。

5.Cpvia's quiet elegance, a quiet indifferent, will people understand the truth: you have all the treasure, flat faint happy pfe!君子兰的静谧优雅,宁静淡泊,会让人明白一个道理:珍惜你拥有的一切,平平淡淡快快乐乐的生活!

6.At this time I happened to raise the Cpvia bloom, and even opened a 2, a touch of fresh flowers, it was exhilarating!恰巧这时我养的君子兰开花了,居然一次开了两株,淡淡的花香沁人心脾,让人感到神清气爽!

7.I remember doing an article on the appropriate miniata evaluation: China Cpvia with quiet, elegant character.记得有一篇文章对君子兰做了恰如其分的评价:中国君子兰具有幽静、素雅的品格。

8.immortal since bought a sword, I am a bit neglected the existence of Cpvia.自从买了仙人剑,我有点忽略了君子兰的存在。

9.However, flowering Cpvia remained silent, not because of an open and show off their two.可是君子兰依然默默的开花,也不因为一次开了两株而炫耀自己。

10.He has a largish cpvia nursery and very abundant types of cpvias .他有一个非常大的君子兰园和非常丰富的品种。