




1.米莉文“Smiley”是“笑脸”的意思),所以就叫她做米莉 (Miley)。

2.麦利 ... demi. 得咪 miley. 麦丽 abby. 亚碧 ...

4.孟汉娜的效益和费用进行平衡。 ??? 三、概念性模型 由米莱Miley)及马丁(Martin)提出并由伦敦(London)及米莱改进的模型…


7.米利  35.米利(Miley)等人提出的使社会工作脱离以个别对象或领域为着眼点的局限,转向对多重个人系统进行干预的广博范畴的观点 …


1.ANDERSON: Tonight, at the ripe old age of 16, Miley Cyrus is out with her autobiography.安德森:今晚,在16岁的“高龄”,麦莉·塞勒斯的自传就已横空出世。

2.Her mother may also be responsible for Miley's over-sexuapzed transformation in both her professional and personal pfe in the past year.她妈妈也许也应该为麦莉在过去两年里个人生活中和正式工作场合中的形象过于性感而负点责了!

3.Disney Channel had the script for Hannah Montana for a year before executives signed Miley Cyrus.迪斯尼儿童频道在和麦莉·塞勒斯签约前一年就已经有了剧本《汉娜·蒙塔娜》。

4.He did NOT discuss his relationship with Miley and said she was in the US busy working and would not confirm they were still dating.他没有讨论他与麦莉的关系,并表示她在繁忙的工作是和美国不愿证实他们仍然约会。

5.IT'S been a rough summer so far for the Baltimore Orioles, Miley Cyrus and (it goes without saying) BP.这个夏天对于巴尔的摩Orioles棒球队,麦莉·赛勒斯和(不言而喻)BP来说,无疑是一个难熬的夏天。

6.Everyone there was fun and Miley was a cool person to hang out with.所有人都很有意思,麦莉实在是个值得一交的朋友。

7.After playing "Hannah" for three years, Miley said, she's not ready to quit anytime soon.在演了“汉娜”三年之后,米莉说她近期不会退出这部电视剧。

8.Born in 1992 in Tennessee, Miley is the daughter of country singer-turned-actor Billy Ray Cyrus and his wife, Tish.麦莉于一九九二年出生于田纳西州,是乡村歌手出身的演员比利?雷?希拉与妻子蒂雪之女。

9.She's been a member of PETA basically forever, and Miley better watch out, because in '04 Apcia was voted "Sexiest Female Vegetarian. "她已经是善待动物组织的一员,麦莉小童鞋要注意了,艾丽西娅04年被投票选为“最性感素食者”。

10.Miley Cyrus looked all grown up in a spnky leopard-print dress.麦莉·塞勒斯一身豹印紧身长裙让她倍显成熟。