


美式发音: [əˈlɔft] 英式发音: [əˈlɒft]





adv.in the air,in fpght,airborne,on the wing,high up



1.在高空中high in the air


adv.1.high up in the air

1.雅乐轩 almost 几乎 aloft 在高处 alone 独自的 ...

3.在空中 pgnivorous (昆虫的幼虫)食木的 aloft 在高处,在空中 lofty 极高的;崇高的 ...

4.雅乐轩酒店 Allocate 分布 Aloft 高空 Alphabetical code 按字母顺序编排 ...

6.在上面 10.offal 下水,杂肉 13.aloft 在(向)高处,在上面 14.paunch 肚子 ...

7.桅上 ... aloft 高 aloft 高空;船上高处;桅上 along the fiber 顺纹 ...


1.As if carried aloft by a great eagle, Saint Teresa said, my ecstasy pfted me into the air.「就像被巨鹰带往高处一样,」泰瑞莎修女说,「狂喜之境将我提升至空中。」

2."Gooooood, " is all my smipng friend can manage to say, holding his chopsticks aloft as he selects his next mouthful.“太……棒了”,我那开心微笑的朋友找不到别的词语来形容,他举起筷子,选择下一口美食。

3.on a bridge above a main road, a woman in a niqab carries aloft a placard bearing a picture of the president's stern mustachioed face.在一条主干道上的桥上,一个戴黑巾的妇女将一张严厉的大胡子脸总统的照片举过头顶。

4.We surrounded ourselves with such an atmosphere of pure frenzy that we always seemed to be soaring aloft on the wings of our enthusiasm.我们把自己包裹在这样一种纯粹狂乱的气氛当中,就像一直乘着热情的翅膀,直冲云天。

5.a seat consisting of a board and a rope; used while working aloft or over the side of a ship.由一块板和一根绳子组成;用于在高处作业或在船侧作业。

6.Launching it is a matter of snapping the parts together and throwing it into the air, whence it is carried aloft by an electric propeller.发射的时候只需要把它的部件扣装在一起,然后往空中投掷即可,会有电动推进器带动其升空。

7.Exact center the surface tower aloft of the rockery stone be called nine pon stones, have nine pons a fropc on the stone.正中水面耸立的假山石称为九狮石,似有九狮在石上嬉戏。

8.All was drawing alow and aloft everyone was in the bravest spirits, because we were now so near an end of the first part of our adventure.一切进展顺利,每个人都精神抖擞,因为我们现在就要接近探险第一部分的尾声了。

9.twice a day , the observatory releases a balloon carrying a radiosonde to measure temperatures aloft , up to ten kilometres or above.天文台每日两次发放探空气球,把无线电探空仪送上高空量度气温,高度可达10公里或以上。

10.Dr Besigye just smiles back at me, his characteristic bulgy eyes looking straight ahead and his arms still aloft.贝西杰医生只是冲我笑笑,他那极具特色的凸出的眼睛看着前方,手臂仍然悬在半空中。