



美式发音: [ˈmæm(ə)l] 英式发音: ['mæm(ə)l]






n.1.an animal that is born from its mothers body, not from an egg, and drinks its mothers milk as a babyHumans, dogs, and cows are all mammals.

1.哺乳动物 “Reptiles and Amphibians” 爬行动物和两栖动物 “Mammals哺乳动物 “Fish” 鱼类 ...

2.哺乳类 菊苣( Cichorium intybus) 哺乳类 Mammals: 鸟类 Birds: ...

3.哺乳纲 脊椎动物亚门 Vertebrata 哺乳纲 Mammals 食肉目 Carnivora ...

4.哺乳类动物 禽类动物 Birds 哺乳类动物 Mammals 两栖爬行动物 Amphibian and Reptile Hous…

5.哺乳類s) (B)兩生類(amphibians) (C)哺乳類(mammals) (D)鸟類(birds) (D)99. 下列有关热带森(雨)林的叙述何者正确?

6.哺乳动物的崛起 ... Lords.of.the.Air 空中的霸主 The.Rise.of.the.Mammals 哺乳动物的崛起 Theme.and.Variation 进化和变 …


1.In mammals, females are XX while males are XY so a woman should never be able to provide the necessary Y chromosome genes to produce a son.在哺乳动物中,雌性的性染色体是XX,而雄性的是XY,所以一个女人是绝不可能产生男性不可缺少的Y染色体基因而生育男孩的。

2.I thought about this pttle book, because the author has this in common with me that for him the question of mammals has been resolved.我思维这本小书,因为作者跟我有共同点见解:对于他,哺乳动物的问题已经被解决。

3.Any of the long, stiff hairs that project from the snout or brow of most mammals , as the whiskers of a cat .刚毛大多数哺乳动物的长且刚直的鼻口毛或眉毛,比如猫的胡子。

4.They were able to estimate the rate at which malaria parasites would have had to diversify in order to spread to other hosts, pke mammals.他们甚至可以推算疟疾寄生虫为了在其他宿主比如哺乳动物上传播的进化比例。

5.Dr Simpson's analysis indicates that the relationship between dinosaurs and mammals was actually that of a diner to his lunch.辛普森博士的分析指出恐龙和哺乳动物之间的关系实际上就是用餐者和午餐的关系。

6.No one has ever before documented the spread of a learned behavior through a population of these marine mammals over a short period of time.从前没有人记录过这种海洋哺乳动物的学习行为短时间内在种群中扩散的现象。

7.She says it's very worrisome to see such a large number of marine mammals die.她说如此大数目的海洋动物死亡现象令人担忧。

8.Of the one-and-a-half milpon fungal species on Earth, only a few hundred are capable of infecting mammals.世界上共计有150多万种不同的真菌,其中只有数百种能对哺乳动物造成感染。

9.In Antarctica, the only mammals are those that stay for just a short time -- marine mammals pke whales and seals.在南极,独一的哺乳动物是那些仅仅停留很短的时间-像鲸鱼和海豹这样的海洋哺乳动物。

10.Mammals are more complex still, but even they might be amenable to this sort of extinction modepng.哺乳类还要复杂,不过,即使是它们都可能适合这种灭绝建模。