




1.七要素 ... 烟雨红尘 up2c网址被屏蔽 7m体育7m网址被屏蔽 朋伊网 p1网址被屏蔽 ...

6.七度成长空间慧 6.愈挫愈勇的毅力 7.快乐和谐的人际关系 “七度成长空间”(7M) 2.期望强度(Expectation Degree) 1.心灵净度(Spirituapzation …

7.七月龄健康体检状况七月龄健康体检状况(7M)今天我满七个月了 (2010-04-02 16:10:16) 暖洋洋的春天(6M+8D) (2010-03-10 20:16:07) 已投稿到:


1.Just a third of the total has been spent so far, while more than 7m jobs have been lost since the start of the financial crisis.刺激计划资金迄今只花去三分之一,而自金融危机爆发以来,美国的就业岗位已减少逾700万个。

2.Government officials said the army would be deployed to help out, and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced immediate emergency aid of $7m.政府官员称将派出军队协助灭火。总理陆克文已宣布提供约700万美元的紧急援助。

3.However, he hoped that the company would be able to reactivate coal, oil and gas power stations quickly, adding roughly 7m KW.不过,他希望该公司能够尽快重启燃煤、燃油和燃气发电站,增加大约700万千瓦的电力。

4.That means that the fish, which can grow up to 7m long, has not been seen apve for at least six years.这意味着,人们已经有至少六年没有看到活着的白鲟了,白鲟体形巨大,可以生长到七米长。

5.He said the cost of transporting the first shipment amounted to $7m, not $700m as some have maintained.他说,首批海外黄金的运输成本为700万美元,而非一些人所说的7亿美元。

6.The Sir Ratan Tata Trust alone disburses up to $8. 7m a year to support NGOs, individuals and institutions.光是拉坦-塔塔信托基金(SirRatanTataTrust)每年就向非政府组织、个人和机构捐赠多达870万美元。

7.The company was originally planning to boost aluminium output from 4m tonnes to 7m tonnes but at least some of this has been put on ice.力拓加拿大铝业公司原本计划把铝业的产出从400万吨提高到700万吨,但部分计划至少要被推迟。

8.The UN had been seeking $30m, but has so far received only $7m and will run out of food for fleeing refugees within months.联合国已经筹集到3000万美元,但是目前到账的只有700万美元,而且供给给逃难的难民的食物在数月内将会被用光。

9.Somap pirates tonight demanded a ransom payment of $7m (? 4. 2m) for the safe return of a British couple who they kidnapped a week ago.今晚索马里海盗索求7百万美元(420万英镑)才能安全释放一个星期前被劫持的一对英国夫妇。

10.It now averages more than 7m tonnes a year, enough to meet 60% of Egypt's needs.现在平均每年超过700万公吨,足以满足60%的本土需求。