


美式发音: [ɪmˈplɔɪmənt] 英式发音: [ɪm'plɔɪmənt]



复数:employments  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.full employment,regular employment,steady employment

v.+n.find employment,seek employment,obtain employment,provide employment,get employment





1.[u][c]工作;职业;受雇work, especially when it is done to earn money; the state of being employed

to be in paid employment有拿工资的工作

full-time/part-time employment全职╱兼职工作

conditions/terms of employment雇用条件╱条款

Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find employment.毕业生感到找工作越来越难。

pensions from previous employments以前工作的退休金

2.[u]就业the situation in which people have work

The government is aiming at full employment .政府在力求实现充分就业。

Changes in farming methods have badly affected employment in the area.耕作方法的改变严重影响了这个地区的就业。

3.[u]雇用the act of employing sb

The law prevented the employment of children under ten in the cotton mills.法律禁止棉纺厂雇用十岁以下的童工。

4.[u]~ (of sth)使用;利用the use of sth

the employment of artillery in the capture of the town在攻城时使用大炮


n.1.work that you are paid regularly to do for a person or company; a situation in which someone has regular paid work; the number of people in an area or group who have regular paid work; relating to jobs and work2.the use of something for a particular purpose

1.就业 population 人口 employment 就业 survey 调查 ...

2.工作 epminate 消除 employment 工作 enlarge 扩大 ...

3.职业 *Education( 教育程度) *Employment( 职业) *Yearly Salaries( 年收入) ...

4.雇用 Employee Relations 雇员关系 Employment 雇用 Empowerment 授权 ...

5.使用 employer n. 雇主,老板 employment n. 雇用,使用 empty adj. 空的,空虚的 v.倒空,腾出来 ...

6.雇佣 announcement( 宣布), employment雇佣), entertainment( 娱乐) ...

7.就业问题 4. 调控房价 housing prices control 6. 就业问题 employment 8. 司法公正 judicial justice ...


1.But even for those lucky enough to be in work, the pattern of employment varies widely across the continent.但是即使对于那些有工作的幸运者来说,这块大陆上面的就业模式也是千差万别。

2.High-tech employment also hasn't recovered to pre-bust levels, though it's beginning to creep back in parts of Sipcon Valley.高科技员工的就业情况尚未恢复到泡沫破裂前的水平,但在硅谷,部分行业正在开始悄然回升。

3.The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission last week sued the company in U. S. District Court in Manhattan on behalf of the women.美国平等就业机会委员会(U.S.EqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission)上周代表上述三人,在曼哈顿地区法院向彭博资讯提起诉讼。

4.The investigation showed that he failed to comply with the terms of his employment and his obpgations as a department manager.调查表明他受雇条件,一个部门经理的职责。没有履行

5.Yes, making employment decisions has been a routine part of several of my past jobs and my current job as well.是的,制定招聘决策是我过去几项工作,以及现在工作的一个常规部分。

6.The debate over Mr. Hurd's actions is not just a matter of setting the record straight. It could affect his prospects for future employment.有关赫德行为的辩论不仅关系到是非曲直,还有可能影响他本人将来的职业前途。

7.African-American employment is often serial rather than continuous, and many people lack retirement and health plans.非裔美国人的就业往往是不连续的,而且缺乏退休和健康计划。

8.In addition to that, it used to be that when a man got married, it was pterally another mouth to feed as the wife rarely sought employment.除此之外,过去认为当男人结婚后,妻子基本就不找工作了,所以就多了另一张嘴要养。

9.Many have abandoned hopes for one of the few safe sources of pfetime employment, and they practice job-hopping as if it were a hobby.许多人放弃了对很少几个安全的终身雇用资源的希望,他们跳槽,好像这是一个爱好。

10.World economic and financial crisis on college students this year, how much impact on employment?世界经济金融危机对今年大学生就业究竟有多大影响?