


美式发音: [sɪˈlɒn] 英式发音: [siˈlɔn]





1.锡兰( Assam)、尼尔吉里茶( Nilgiri) 锡兰茶( Ceylon)、汀布拉(Dimbula)也是冲制花草茶的选择。

3.锡兰岛 格雷伯爵茶 Earl Grey tea 锡兰红茶 Ceylon 灵魂的温度 New Moon Drop ...

6.斯里兰卡 ... Central African Rep. 中非 Ceylon 斯里兰卡 Chad 乍得 ...

7.年印度锡兰省 ... CENTRAL AFRICAN STATES 中非联盟 330 CEYLON 1796-1948 年印度锡兰省 331 CHAD …


1.It was one of these missions which carried that cutting of the Bo Tree, of which we have already told, to Ceylon.我们已经谈过,把菩提树的一枝带到锡兰去的,就是其中的一个使团。

2.Ceylon, with its central position, was the place where Chinese merchants met with Arab merchants and heard about the westernmost lands.锡兰,位于中心位置,是中国商人与阿拉伯商人会合的地方,在这里他们听到了有关西方最远的大陆的情况。

3.About twenty milpon people reside on this relatively small island that used to bear the name Ceylon .而有两千万人口的居住地是一个小小的岛屿,习惯被人叫做锡兰。

4.From the late 18th century it began to build power in Malaya and acquired the CAPE of Good Hope, Ceylon, and Malta.18世纪末期开始在马来亚建立势力,并夺取好望角、锡兰和马尔他。

5.The land had belonged to the then Ceylon Government Railway, but his father-in-law had acquired possession as a long-standing tenant.这里的地皮原本属于凯龙政府铁路局,后来,岳父长期承租了这片土地。

6.This call could encourage feedback from Java language users to help support their migration from that language to Ceylon.这个号召会鼓励Java语言用户提出反馈,帮助支持他们从Java迁移到Ceylon。

7.Instead, Ceylon simply includes the shared annotation, which defines which elements of a class are visible externally.Ceylon仅包含括shared注解,该注释定义了类的哪些元素是外部可见的。

8.Before leaving his native Sri Lanka, he was the export development manager for Lion Brewery Ceylon, the country's leading brewer.在离开祖国斯里兰卡前,阿东在本国领先的雄狮酿酒公司(LionBreweryCeylon)当出口开发部门经理。

9.As Ceylon is an object-oriented language, you write code using the concept of classes.因为Ceylon是面向对象的语言,所以可以使用类的概念来编写代码。

10.Michael and his friends spy on board a manacled convict, rumoured to have killed an Engpsh judge in Ceylon.还有,迈克尔和朋友在船上发现了一名戴手铐的罪犯,据说曾在锡兰杀死了一名英国法官。