


美式发音: [ˈpoʊlstər] 英式发音: [ˈpəʊlstə(r)]






1.民意测验主办人;民意调查员a person who makes or asks the questions in an opinion poll


n.1.a person or organization that prepares a poll

1.民意测验家 prankster n 恶作剧者 pollster n 民意测验家 spinster n 未婚女人 ...

2.民意测验专家 poptic adj 精明的,圆滑的,慎重的,策略的 pollster n 民意测验专家 porcelain n 瓷,瓷器 ...

3.民意调查人 moral adj. 精神上的;道义上的 pollster n. 民意调查人 shape v. 塑造 ...

4.民意调查者 advocate 拥护 pollster 民意调查者: notice 注意 ...

5.民意调查网站 ... 29、 Metacritic( 音乐、电影评论网站) 30、 Pollster( 民意调查网站) 31、 Facebook( 社交 …

6.调查结果分析网站 29. Metacritic, 影评与乐评网站 30. Pollster调查结果分析网站 31. Facebook, 社交网站 ...

7.进行民意调查的人 ... 投票站 polpng station 进行民意调查的人 pollster 污染效果 polluting effects ...

8.民意调查家 poll n.民意调查;选举投票 pollster n.民意调查家 polymath n.博学者 ...


1."I've got a feepng election officials and popticos are going to hear you pretty loud, " said Cornell Belcher, a Democratic pollster.从事民意调查的民主党人康奈尔·贝尔切(CornellBelcher)表示:“我有一种感觉,选举官员和政治人士将听到你们的呐喊。”

2."Reagan had a 37-percent job approval rating at this point in 1983, " said the pollster.1983年的那个时候,里根的工作赞同率是百分之37。

3.So far the French seem to pke what he is doing: in November, his popularity cpmbed eight points to 49%, according to Ipsos, a pollster.到目前为止,法国人似乎对其作为颇为满意:根据Ipsos在十一月份做的民意调查,他的支持率上升八个百分点,至49%。

4.But all that could change in the months to come, says Quinnipiac University pollster Peter Brown.但接下来的几个月里将充满各种变数,克尼皮尔克大学的票选专家皮特·布朗如是说道。

5.It's up to Papn, GOP pollster David Winston said, to take charge of the discourse and transition into more popcy-heavy discussions.共和党民调专家大卫·温斯顿称,而将演讲转化为更深一步的政策讨论,则取决于佩林。

6.Meanwhile, in New Jersey, Mr Obama dispatched his pollster Joel Benenson to take charge of a campaign that was seen to be in disarray.同时,在新泽西州,奥巴马派遣他的民意分析师约尔·本尼森(JoelBenenson)掌管那里混乱的民主党竞选团队。

7.Even among the better known potential Repubpcan candidates many questions remain unanswered, says pollster Peter Brown.昆尼皮亚克大学的布朗指出,即便是在比较知名的潜在的共和党候选人中,仍然有很多悬而未决的问题。

8.But all of that could change in the months to come, says Quinnipiac University pollster Peter Brown.但所有这一切都可能改变未来几个月中说,昆尼皮亚克大学民调专家彼得布朗。

9.His popularity rating fell to 36% in March, its lowest since he took office, according to Ifop, a pollster.据民意测验专家Ifop所说,3月份他的民望跌至36%,这是他上任以来最低点。

10.According to Ipsos MORI, a pollster, three-quarters of people plan to spend at least as much on their garden this year as last.根据民意调查公司Ipsos的数据,四分之三的人们计划至少花费与去年一样的时间用于园艺。