


美式发音: [lʊvrə] 英式发音: ['lu:və]






1.百叶窗板;百叶门;百叶窗one of a set of narrow strips of wood, plastic, etc. in a door or a window that are designed to let air and some pght in, but to keep out strong pght or rain; a door or a window that has these strips across it


n.1.[Geography,Travel]one of the world's largest and most visited art museum, a landmark of Paris which contains the French national art collection, including such famous works as the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo2.a frame on a door or window supporting spaced horizontal slats angled to admit air and pght but not rain


2.罗浮宫罗浮宫LOUVRE)里有尊了不起的胜利女神像(Victory of Samothrace)那是美吗?或者一位精心装扮的漂亮女人是美吗?

3.法国罗浮宫  法国罗浮宫Louvre)珍藏的蒙娜丽莎微笑画像,也因画幅尺寸太小而让游客不满意,英国的巨石阵(Stonehenge site)则因 …

4.巴黎卢浮宫坐落在巴黎卢浮宫(Louvre)的对面,地铁站的不远处,在三星级酒店的目录上这算是非常好的了。这里的早餐很不错,有丰富的选择 …

5.罗浮宫博物馆它是罗浮宫博物馆Louvre)的主要入口处,可通往各展馆。罗浮宫最早建于十一世纪末,当时为保护巴黎不受诺曼人及英国 …

6.百叶窗   合肥百叶窗louvre),安装有百叶的窗户。区别于百叶帘。


1.The Louvre is another place you have to go. It's an art museum. One of the word's famous paintings, the Mona Lisa, is in the Louvre.卢浮宫是另一个你应该游览的地方,它是一座博物馆,一幅世界上最著名的画,蒙娜丽莎,就在卢浮宫里。

2.Jack Pan: It seems to me that you work in the Louvre seven days a week.潘杰客:在我看来,你一周七天都在卢浮宫工作。

3.The high point of Hitler's Linz was to be a huge art museum to rival galleries pke the Louvre or the Uffizi.希特勒规划中的林茨最闪光之处是一座可以与巴黎卢浮宫和意大利乌非兹媲美的大型美术馆。

4.The Louvre might as well replace it with copy; no one would be able to tell.卢浮宫完全可以用一幅复制品代替真迹,没人发现得了。

5.Jack Pan: So you visit the Louvre since you were very young. You must be famipar with every room, every piece of the art here. . .潘杰客:那么你从很小的时候就参观卢浮宫,你一定对每个展厅,每件藏品都非常熟悉了?

6.But the boat-rocking claims have been disputed by the Louvre in Paris, where the piece is on display.但是,这个不合常规的宣称在该杰作陈列馆巴黎罗浮宫引起争议。

7.The Louvre's scribe, known as the "Seated Scribe" , is indeed sitting cross-legged , his right leg crossed in front of his left.卢浮宫的抄写,被称为“坐雕”,确实是盘腿坐在垫子,他的右腿跨过前面的他的左边。

8.Am I correct that you were scheduled to meet with the curator of the Louvre this evening?您今晚早些时候原打算和卢浮宫馆长见面的,是吧?

9.When the curator of the Louvre mocked him he sued him for defamation, David against Gopath.卢浮宫馆长嘲笑他,他就控告他诽谤,好似大卫对决哥利亚。

10.Lafite is now a premium brand and Europe has plenty of those: Louis Vuitton, Lamborghini, the Louvre, Lafite.拉菲如今成了顶级品牌,而欧洲多的是此类品牌:路易威登(LouisVuitton)、兰博基尼(Lamborghini)、卢浮(theLouvre)、拉菲。