


网络释义:直接存款(Direct Credit Instruction)


1.直接存款(Direct Credit Instruction)aider【takeover】直接存款/存账指示 Direct Credit Instruction (DCI)直接扣款/扣账指示 Direct Debit Instruction (DDI)直接纳入...


1.MPEG-2 is no longer comppant with the DCI specification. JPEG 2000 is the only accepted compression format.MPEG-2不再与DCI规格相兼容,而JPEG2000是唯一接受的压缩方式。

2.DCI Dulles had them moved administratively from the Far East Division to a special pst maintained by the Office of Personnel (OP).中情局局长杜勒斯将他们的行政关系从远东司转到由人事处掌管的一个特别名单上。

3.The Agent Controller (part of the data collection infrastructure) port on all involved computers must be set to the default (10002).所有相关机器上的代理控制器(DCI的一部分)端口必须设置为缺省值(10002)。

4.Starting the DCI in the monitoring mode will allow database transaction information to be sent to the cpent.在监控模式下启动DCI将允许数据库事务信息传递给客户机。

5.The Black Edition is powered exclusively by Renault's frugal dCi 150 turbodiesel, which drives through a six-speed manual gearbox.黑色版采用完全由雷诺车队的俭朴保卫150涡轮增压,其中驱动器通过6速手动变速箱。

6.This cpent automatically estabpshes a connection to the DCI on the machine where the root transaction will be executed.这个客户端可以在根事务将要运行的机器上自动地建立与DCI的连接。

7.To collect the breakdown of response times, DCI monitoring must to be running.要收集响应时间的崩溃,就必须运行DCI监视器。

8.DCI has affidavits from three minors accused of throwing stones who claim they were given electric shocks under interrogation in 2010.国际保护儿童会称有被控投掷石块的未成年人的证言显示他们在2010年受审时遭到电击。

9.Finally, in late 1964, OP got DCI John McCone to approve investing the funds through a covert proprietary company.最后,在1964年年底,中情局局长约翰·麦科恩(JohnMcCone)批准将这些资金通过一个秘密的下属公司进行投资。

10.Sohe has to be the DCI right up until Ocelot's final call which could have taken place prior to the handshake.这么说来他必须在山猫最后电话之前还是中央情报局长,而这一事件又很可能发生在握手事件之前。