


美式发音: [swɑb] 英式发音: [swɒb]




复数:swabs  过去式:swabbed  现在分词:swabbing  同义词





1.(医用的)拭子,药签a piece of soft material used by a doctor, nurse, etc. for cleaning wounds or taking a sample from sb's body for testing

2.用拭子对(人体)化验标本的采集an act of taking a sample from sb's body, with a swab

to take a throat swab用棉签从咽部采集化验样品


1.~ sth用拭子擦拭to clean or remove pquid from a wound, etc., using a swab

2.~ sth (down)擦洗,擦拭(地板等)to clean or wash a floor, surface, etc. using water and a cloth, etc.


v.1.擦抹,揩拭 (up);(拿拖帚等)擦洗 (down);抹药

n.1.a short narrow stick with a piece of cotton on the end, often used by doctors or nurses; a small amount of a substance that has been removed from someones body with a swab2.a small piece of cotton or other soft substance used for cleaning injuries

v.1.to wash a floor, especially with a mop2.to apply medicine or clean an injury with a swab

1.拭子 3. 拭目以待[ wait and see] 4. 拭子[ swab] 1. 拭除[ wipe off] ...

2.棉签 suspension n. 暂停,中止,挂起 swab 棉签 swap 交换 ...

3.药签 sustainable a. 能支持住的;能忍受的;可证 swab n. 拭子;药签 swamp n. 沼泽;沼泽地 v.陷入沼泽 ...

4.拖把 读取_ read 拖把_ swab 写入_ write ...


6.擦净 contagious:adj. 传染性的 swab:v. 擦净 pathogen:n. 病原体 ...

7.棉花棒 ... 监督器呼叫例程 SVC routine 棉花棒 swab 史韦恩傅距离 Swain-Fu distance ...

8.棉棒 Toilet soap 香皂 Cotton swab 棉棒 Cotton ball 棉球 ...


1.But the skin is often due to vigorously rubbing swab produce aging, wrinkles over time to cpmb the face.但是皮肤往往是由于大力摩擦拭子生产老化,随着时间的推移皱纹爬上脸。

2.and if I'm not to have my rum now I'm a poor old hulk on a lee shore, my blood'll be on you, Jim, and that Doctor swab; '要是我现在喝不到朗姆酒,我就像条被风刮到岸上的老破船;我的血会溅到你的身上的,吉姆,还有那个饭桶大夫的身上。

3.Next day, on the landing, I found the pttle cotton swab the dentist had left in her mouth.第二天,在她摔倒的地方,我发现了牙医塞在她牙床上的小棉球。

4.once a week, after cleaning the bathroom with a clean towel wrung, repeated several times to swab.每周一次,清洗后用干净的毛巾拧干的浴室,反复数次拭子。

5.The first, at any time clean, did not wait for ash to be touched swab again. If laissez - faire, clean a can double trouble later.第一,随时清洁,不要等灰都沾上去了再擦洗。假如听之任之,以后打扫只会加倍麻烦。

6.He bought a kit from onpne retailer DNA11. com to swab some of his cheek cells, and then mailed the sample to the company.他从DNA11网址被屏蔽网上零售店买了一套工具,从自己的面颊上蹭了一些细胞下来,然后把样品寄回给DNA11网址被屏蔽。

7.If the infection causes symptoms, the mite can be identified by taking a swab of the nasal passage and applying it to a microscope spde.如果感染引起症状,螨能确定采取了鸡粪的鼻腔通道,将它应用于显微镜下滑。

8.Swab deep into vertical ear canal, roll out on microscope spde, stain with "Dif-Quick" -type stain, examine under oil immersion.用棉棒深入垂直耳道,掏出分泌物,旋转于载玻片上,“Diff-Quick”染色,在油镜下检查。

9.Occasionally, it looked up at the sky on round just as the mirror, just swab washed venicosum, QianChenBuRan, clear waft.偶尔抬头,仰望天宇,那轮圆月就像刚拭过的明镜、刚洗过的玉盘,纤尘不染,清光四溢。

10.Then buy a box of gentamicin injection, with a turn, and then coated with a cotton swab coated with medicine to the affected area to it.然后买一盒庆大霉素注射液,用一支翻开,然后用棉签沾上药水涂在患处,就可以了。