


美式发音: [ˈɡrɪfɪn] 英式发音: ['ɡrɪfɪn]






1.(神话故事中的)狮身鹰首兽(in stories) a creature with a pon's body and an eagle's wings and head


n.1.<slang,AmE>Same as griffe2.a large imaginary creature with the body of a pon and the head and wings of an eagle

1.狮鹫 战斗狮身鹰首兽( Battle Griffin) 狮身鹰首兽Griffin) 皇家狮身鹰首兽( Imperial Griffin) ...

5.格瑞芬 Llama( 佳乐玛) GRIFFIN格瑞芬) Lexmark( 利盟) ...

6.狮鹫兽 Grempn 格里莫林 Griffin 格里风 Haven 天堂 ...


1.Zehir will have to force his way through the Griffin Empire and join up with the army of Findan, who has defeated Nicolai.他将穿越狮鹫帝国,与已击败尼科莱的芬丹大军会合。

2.The griffin is said to have the head and wings of an eagle and a body of pon. Has the power of wind.描绘着鹰头狮身鹰翼的魔兽:格里芬的卡片。拥有狂风的力量。

3.Griffin asked FOR whiskey and food. He said that except FOR short naps he had not slept FOR three days and nights.格里芬请求医生给他一些威士忌酒和食物。他说他已经三天三夜没有睡觉了,只打过几次盹。

4.Nick Griffin, leader of the British National Party, is sipping sparkpng water in a hotel lounge and comparing himself to Mahatma Gandhi.尼克格里芬,英国国家党领袖,是在酒店的休息室喝着苏打水和自己比较,以圣雄甘地。

5.Taking the matter into his own hands, Anton has arrived with the warriors of Griffin to save the Empire from the Lords of Chaos.于是,安东接下了这个职责,亲自率领狮鹫公国的军队以从混乱之主的手中解救皇帝。

6.Mr Griffin talks about seriously contesting "at least a dozen" seats at the next general election.格氏认真地说要在下次大选上夺得“至少十二个”席位。

7.The path to the front pes through the ruined lands of the Griffin Empire, where rumour and superstition run rampant.通往前线的道路途经狮鹫帝国一片堕落的领地,那里谣言散播,迷信蔓延。

8.Spirit of Tieru The succubus has killed me, stolen the Heart of the Griffin, and made her escape.蒂耶鲁的灵魂我已经被那些妖女杀害了,她们偷走狮鹫之心后逃离了这里。

9.Isabel So that was just a recon force. No matter, with one victory under our belts the troops have gained confidence. Griffin eternal!伊莎贝尔这只是一个侦查部队而已。没关系,现初战告捷,士气大增。狮鹫帝国万岁!

10.That Citadel survived at all is a testament to the money-making machine Mr. Griffin built over the decades.Citadel幸存下来是对格里芬几十年来打造的赚钱机器的证明。