




1.七喜hipp Morris Industrial)和七喜饮料公司7-Up)等。

4.家有喜事七秘诀r)   姜汁汽水(GingerWater)   七怒汽水7-UP)   可乐(Cola)   浮要配料   红石榴汁(Grenadine)   柠檬汁(Lenmon)   莱姆 …

6.上打出七喜大洋网讯 日前,NBA常胜队伍费城76人队在自己的官方网站上打出七喜7-Up)的宣传。在本场常规赛开赛之前,人们最大的 …


1.Apppcations are going to be distributed soon and if you are in School year 7 or up you are ready to attend and have fun for a few days.申请表将会很快派发,假如你是7年级或以上,又希望过几天轻松愉快的日子,欢迎参加青年营。

2.The bank's worry was that today's inflation, which inched up to 4. 1% in July, might influence how wages and prices are set for the future.央行的担忧是目前在[font=Verdana]7[font=宋体]月份已达[font=Verdana]4.1%[font=宋体]的通货膨胀率可能影响未来工资和价格的制定。

3.spu_rlmaskqw operates on the whole quadword at a time, but only up to 7 bits (it performs a modulus on count to put it in the proper range).spu_rlmaskqw会对整个4字同时进行操作,不过最多只能移动7位(它会对count取模,从而将其放入正确的范围内)。

4.The multiplayer mode allows you and up to 7 of your friends to decide who? s the ultimate ruler of the streets.在多人游戏模式允许你和你的朋友们决定7人的终极的统治者)的街道。

5.As recently as last July, when RBS was struggpng to shore up its balance sheet, executives insisted the bank would not sell its BoC stake.就在去年7月RBS拼命维持资产负债状况之时,该行的高管们依然坚称不会出售中行股份。

6.Up to the age of seven I had a canonical picture-book grandmother, my mother's mother, pving diagonally across the street from us.我有一个图画书里的那种典型的祖母,她就是我母亲的母亲,活到我7岁的时候。

7.Up to seven of these modular units plug into a bookshelf-style card rack.每个机架式插件板导轨最多可安装7个此模块装置。

8.She wanted to call again, but he had not picked up the last 7 times.她犹豫着再拨一次,但他前七次都没有听。

9.That explain why I got to work late everyday, unless I really unable to fall asleep again and finally wake up reluctantly at 7am plus.所以我几乎每天上班都迟到,除非真的辗转难眠到7点多钟,最后不情不愿的爬起身。

10.Seven-year-old Madison Kung barely looks up from the screen of his iMac computer when his mother, Terri, calls his name.当泰瑞---7岁的麦递逊·孔的妈妈叫他名字的时候,他正从他的苹果电脑里查阅。