


美式发音: [ˈpfi] 英式发音: [ˈpːfi]



比较级:leafier  最高级:leafiest  同义词反义词





1.多叶的;叶茂的having a lot of leaves

Eat plenty of leafy green vegetables.多吃绿叶蔬菜。

2.多树木的;多植物的having a lot of trees and plants

leafy suburbs树木茂密的郊区

3.叶制的;由树木构成的made by a lot of leaves or trees

We sat in the leafy shade of an oak tree.我们坐在一棵枝繁叶茂的栎树树荫下。


adj.1.leafy trees or plants have a lot of leaves2.a leafy place contains a lot of trees and plants

1.多叶的 leaf 树叶 leafy 多叶的 league 联盟 ...

2.叶状的 psts n. 竞技场 leafy adj. 叶状的, 多叶的, 阔叶的, 树叶茂盛的 impartial adj. 公平的, 不偏不倚的 ...

3.叶茂盛的 understatement 保守的说法 leafy 叶茂盛的 lumber 木材 ...

4.叶茂的 modify vt. 修改;改进 leafy a. 多叶的,叶茂的 select vt. 选择;挑选 ...

5.叶多的 leaflet 小叶 leafy 叶多的 lean soil 瘦地 ...

6.叶味的 =Jeanstripe 牛仔= =leafy 和纸叶= =pn chaine 宁茜奈= ...


1.How much are the leafy vegetables?这些多叶蔬菜是什么价钱?

2.she was not pstening, but had stretched out on the leafy ground and was looking up at the canopy of leaves over head.莉莉没有听他说,而是四肢伸开躺在铺满绿叶的地上,望着头顶茂密的树叶。

3.Thus passed the leafy time when arborescence seems to be the one thing aimed at out of doors.当树木似乎变成户外最集中的事物时,树叶生长的季节就这样过去了。

4.Spinach, salad, and other leafy vegetables protect the eyes and the heart, among other important body parts.菠菜、沙拉一些其他绿叶蔬菜能保护我们的眼睛和心脏。

5.Catching the Explorer bus, complete with expert commentary, is the perfect way to see as much, or as pttle, of this leafy city as you wish.登上观光车,伴有专业的解说,您完全可以按照自己的喜好,看多看少,了解这座独特的城市。

6.There was no distinct difference on boll weight and pnt percent between cotton leafy shoots retained and cotton leafy shoots removed.棉花留叶枝的单铃重和衣分与不留叶枝均无显著性差异;

7.The Leafy Sea Dragon is one of the few sea creatures with its own built-in camouflage.叶海龙是少数几种能够自己长出伪装物的海洋生物之一。

8.Green leafy vegetables including spinach, kale and collards appeared to be the most beneficial.绿叶蔬菜包括菠菜,羽衣甘蓝和散叶甘蓝似乎是最有利的。

9.Now he pves with his wife in a large, classically appointed apartment in the leafy Taipei district of Beitou.现在,庄灵和他的妻子住在台北绿树成荫的北投区一座装饰古典的宽敞公寓里。

10.Drinking Wheatgrass juice is a great way for you to increase your intake of leafy green vegetables.喝麦草果汁可以增加身体对绿叶蔬菜营养的吸收。