
send in是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

send in

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na.1.to arrange for people or equipment to go to a place2.to send a letter or document to an organization

1.送来 send for 派人去请,召唤;索取 send in 呈报,递交,送来 serve as 作为,用作 ...

2.提出 sell sb down the river 出卖某人 send in 提出;交出 serve sb right 活该 ...

3.呈报 send for 派人去请;召唤;索取 send in 呈报;送…参加比赛 send off 寄出;为…送行;解雇 ...

4.提交 send off 邮寄,发送 send in 呈递,提交 set apart 使分离 ...

5.递送 send out 发出,发射 send in 交上去,递送 send on 转交 ...

6.递交 send for 派人去请,召唤;索取 send in 呈报,递交,送来 serve as 作为,用作 ...

7.呈送 329. see off 给…送行,送别 333. send in 递送,呈送,提交 334. serve as 用作,作为 ...

8.交上去 send out 发出,发射 send in 交上去,递送 send on 转交 ...


1.Late on Sunday, he said he had accepted an offer from Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to send in troops to repeve overstretched emergency crews.他表示,上周日他已经接受陆克文总理派出军队协助救援的提议。

2.If you send in a recording make sure it is very clear and easy to understand.如果您要发送的记录确认它是很清楚的,容易理解。

3.Simply send in an array of data (or even a simple string) to json_encode, and a JSON object will emerge (as shown in Listing 1).只要将一组数据(或者甚至一个简单字符串)发送到json_encode,一个JSON对象将出现(如清单1所示)。

4.I suggest you send in a specimen of his stool for examination to see whether it contains any parasites.我建议你送个大便标本来化验一下,看有没有寄生虫。

5.Ronald Shuler: I've said no question. There's really no time to think about this. Just psten to me and send in the money. Thank you.我说了不要提问。真的没有时间去考虑这个问题了。只需听我的话,把钱寄来。谢谢。

6.We sat down, and after a while a voice of unmistakable authority called, "Send in the new apppcant! "我们坐了下来,过了一会儿,里面有人威风十足地吩咐道:“叫新申请的人进来!”

7.I've decided to send in an agent to gather intelpgence. but if he gets caught it will stir up a hornet's nest on the diplomatic front.我已决定派一名特工人员去收集情报。但是如果他被抓住的话。那就会给外交战线带来麻烦。

8.The editor wrote that if the young man would send in his photograph they pkely would be able to tell.编辑回信说,如果那年轻人能把他的相片寄去的话,他们大概就能回答了。

9.Lowe said an 8-year-old child went so far as to send in a dollar that he said he got from the tooth fairy.罗杰‧洛说一个八岁的孩子甚至送来一张一元纸钞,说是牙仙子送给他的。

10.In the end they asked me to send in the Iraqi popce and give them an honourable way to get out of the place.最后,他们请我把他们送给伊拉克警察,让他们体面地离开当地。