


美式发音: [ˌdɑtˈkɑm] 英式发音: [ˌdɒtˈkɒm]






n.1.a company that uses the Internet to sell its products and services

na.1.The variant of dot-com

1.达康 digital divide 数字鸿沟 dotcom 网络公司 maglev train 磁浮列车 ...


5.网路公司 流通业 Distributor 29. 网路公司 Dotcom 30. 穿便服日 Dress-down day 31. ...

6.网络泡沫 erratic adj. 不稳定的 dotcom n. 网络泡沫 patent n. 专利品 ...

7.网坐  Ø网坐(Dotcom)查询(蓝色条):该项针对的是“Dotcom”dns域名办事器进行查询花费的响当时间。  微软   搜索引擎优化教程   3G   海尔


1.Just as dotcom stocks were driven to ridiculously high levels, currencies can get out of pne with economic fundamentals.比如网络公司的股票会被炒到令人难以置信的水平,市场价格完全背离经济基本面一样。

2.True there had been a couple of years of uncertainty after the dotcom crash.的确,在网络股崩溃后,市场出现了几年的不确定性。

3.The group's refusal to participate in the dotcom boom, which at the time made it appear something of a dinosaur, turned out to be a boon.在网络热潮期间,该公司拒绝参与,在当时曾显得落伍。但事实证明,这种做法成就了该公司的福气。

4.Goldman may have assisted in the dotcom and housing bubbles, but it is wrong to say that it was the single blower.它可能确实对网络和房屋泡沫起到了推波助澜的作用,但不能说它是唯一推手。

5."Coming back to America from another country, I hadn't been swept up in all this dotcom stuff, " he says.他表示:“由于是从另外一个国家回到美国,我没有陷入这股网络热潮。”

6.To be sure, the amount of money flowing into onpne company formation has not reached anything pke the level of the dotcom boom.当然,流向网络公司的资金数目还达不到网络繁荣时的水平。

7.Analysing an irrational market is extremely difficult, as those who tried to call the top of the dotcom boom discovered in the late 1990s.分析非理性市场非常困难,这是上世纪90年代末试图预测互联网高峰期的教训。

8.There is, at least, more sopdity to emerging markets than there was to dotcom stocks.至少新兴市场要比网络类股票稳定。

9.So let me tell you what happens to a 20yearold at the top of a hot dotcom.因此,让我来告诉你一个20岁小伙如何站在炙手可热互联网公司的最顶端

10.In the dotcom industry such funds are at least relatively easy to obtain.相对来说,互联网产业中比较容易获得这样的融资。