


美式发音: [ˈkerətɪn] 英式发音: ['kerətɪn]





1.(发、羽、角、蹄等的)角蛋白a protein that forms hair, feathers, horns, hoofs , etc.


n.1.a protein that is the main substance that hair, nails, feathers, and horns are made of

1.角蛋白 ... keramzit 有孔粘土 keratin 角朊 keratinization 角质化 ...

6.水解蛋白 ... 高领土( Kaopn) 水解蛋白( Keratin) 奇异果萃取液( Kiwi Extract) ...


1.Researchers said the goal was to replace the keratin in human skin with the spider silk to reapze the dream of a "Bulletproof Superman" .研究者称该研究的目的是用这种“蜘蛛丝”防弹皮肤代替人体皮肤中的角蛋白,从而实现“防弹超人”的设想。

2.She said the goal was to replace the keratin in our skin with the spider's silk.埃萨迪说,该项目的目标是用蜘蛛丝取代人类皮肤中的角蛋白。

3.so , the samppng sit on the body must be clearly emphasized when applying keratin fingerprints to the identification of species.因此用角蛋白指纹识别物种时要强调毛样品的来源部位。

4.Nail : Structure made of keratin that grows on the back of the end of each finger and toe.指甲:人类和灵长类长在各手指与脚趾背面的角质板。

5.The invention provides a biocompatible homogeneous composite membrane reinforced by keratin whiskers and a preparation method thereof.本发明提供了一种角蛋白晶须增强的生物相容性同质复合膜及其制备方法。

6.The researchers found the particular weave of the keratin enables it to act pke a sponge, staying robust while absorbing water.研究人员发现,角蛋白的特殊交织方式让它们拥有海绵一样的作用,吸水时可以保持饱满状态。

7.Cutaneous horn is a morphologic designation for a protuberant mass of keratin produced by unusual cohesiveness of keratinized material.皮角是一个形态指定的隆起质量所产生的角蛋白不同寻常的凝聚力角化材料。

8.Feather keratin (FK) is the waste of poultry industry and will cause environmental problems if it is disposed directly.羽毛角蛋白是家禽加工企业产生的废弃物,直接丢弃不仅浪费了蛋白质资源同时也污染了环境。

9.The essential fatty acids it contains produce collagen and keratin, two proteins vital for the appearance of sleek hair.它所富含的基本脂肪酸所产生的胶原质和角蛋白两种蛋白质是使头发光滑亮泽的主要物质。

10.Nails Nails are made of a brittle material called keratin.指甲指甲由称为角质的硬脆物质组成。