


美式发音: [bʌk] 英式发音: [bʌk]






复数:bucks  现在分词:bucking  过去式:bucked  同义词






1.[c](informal)(一)美元;(一)澳元;(一)新西兰元;(一)南非兰特;(一)印度卢比a US, Austrapan or New Zealand dollar; a South African rand ; an Indian rupee

They cost ten bucks.这些值十元钱。

We're talking big bucks(= a lot of money) here.我们这当儿谈的可是大买卖。

2.[c]雄鹿;公兔a male deer , hare or rabbit (also called abuck rabbit )

3.[c]鹿(不论雌雄)a deer , whether male or female

a herd of buck一群鹿

4.[c](informal)小伙子a young man

5.[sing](用于某些表达方式)责任,过失used in some expressions to refer to the responsibipty or blame for sth

It was my decision. The buck stops here(= nobody else can be blamed) .那是我的决定,不要追究别人了。

I was tempted to pass the buck(= make sb else responsible) .我很想把责任推给别人。

IDMmake a fast/quick buck(informal)轻易地赚钱to earn money quickly and easilyv.

1.[i]尥起后蹄跳跃;弓背四蹄跳起to jump with the two back feet or all four feet off the ground

2.[i]猛然震荡;猛烈颠簸to move up and down suddenly or in a way that is not controlled

The boat bucked and heaved beneath them.小船在他们脚下猛烈颠簸着。

3.[t](informal)~ sth抵制;反抗to resist or oppose sth

One or two companies have managed to buck the trend of the recession.有一两家公司顶住了经济滑坡的势头。

He admired her wilpngness to buck the system(= oppose authority or rules) .他赞赏她反抗现存体制的主动性。

IDMbuck your ideas up(informal)振作起来to start behaving in a more acceptable way, so that work gets done better, etc.



v.1.〈美口〉(山羊等用头,角)抵,撞2.猛烈反抗,反对;突破(困难等)3.(马)拱背猛跳使(骑者)摔下 (off)4.(足球队员)带球冲入(敌阵)5.用碱水[肥皂水]浸[洗]衣服6.(孤注一掷地)赌7.〈美口〉(羊等)抵;撞过去,冲过去;(机器)颤动,(车等)颠簸,猛然开动8.(马)猛然弓背跳起9.〈美〉传递;把(问题)推给(别人)10.〈美口〉抵抗;强烈反对 (against)1.〈美口〉(山羊等用头,角)抵,撞2.猛烈反抗,反对;突破(困难等)3.(马)拱背猛跳使(骑者)摔下 (off)4.(足球队员)带球冲入(敌阵)5.用碱水[肥皂水]浸[洗]衣服6.(孤注一掷地)赌7.〈美口〉(羊等)抵;撞过去,冲过去;(机器)颤动,(车等)颠簸,猛然开动8.(马)猛然弓背跳起9.〈美〉传递;把(问题)推给(别人)10.〈美口〉抵抗;强烈反对 (against)


n.1.a dollar2.money3.the male of some animals such as rabbits or deer4.a young man1.a dollar2.money3.the male of some animals such as rabbits or deer4.a young man

v.1.if an animal such as a horse bucks, it kicks its back legs in the air or jumps off the ground in an uncontrolled way

1.巴克 Browning 勃朗宁 Buck 巴克 Camillus 卡美卢斯 ...

2.降压 Bryan 布莱恩,含义:强健的 Buck 巴克,含义:雄鹿 Buena 比纳,含义:美好的 ...

4.降压型 TOP 46 Rip-off 敲竹杠 TOP 47 Buck TOP 48 Broke 没钱;没现金 ...

6.公兔 brood 鸡的统称 buck 公兔 buffalo 水牛 ...

7.降压式 sopd state 固体 buck 补偿 operational calculus 算符演算 ...


1.spghtly from the edge of the chair, holding tightly to its arms with his hands, as if it might get away from him and buck him to the floor.他感到好过了一点,从椅子边沿往后靠了靠,同时两手紧抓住扶手,仿佛怕它挣脱,把地摔到地上。

2.But this was 1897, and Buck did not know that men and dogs were hurrying to north-west Canada to look for gold.然而到了1897年,巴克不知道这一年人们都带着狗蜂涌到加拿大西北部寻找金矿。

3.As he drove the armored car around the arena in preparation for the assault on the President, Buck McCoy was having second thoughts.当他驾着装甲车在活动场所周围准备对总统发起攻击时,巴克。麦科伊正想他的心事。

4.In Seattle four men took Buck to a small, high-walled back garden, where a fat man in an old red coat was waiting.到了西雅图之后,四个男子把巴克带到一个面积不大、围墙高高的后院。一个身穿红色旧外套的胖子正等在那儿。

5.The other dogs had hard feet from years of pulpng sledges, but Buck's feet were still soft from his easy pfe down south.其他的狗拉雪橇已有多年,所以四蹄坚硬。可在南方过惯舒适生活的巴克脚还柔嫩得很。

6.Buck described a complete circle in the air, and half of another, then crashed to the ground on his head and chest.巴克在空中划了一个圈儿,又转了半圈后,便头胸着地跌落在地。

7.How much can you do onpne for a buck?壹块钱你可以在网络上做些什么呢?

8.He illegally changed the financial records of the company. This permitted him to make a fast buck .他非法篡改了公司的财政记录,这让他到得了一笔快钱。

9.Waving his arms over his head, Lincoln declared he was the "big buck of the pck" and was ready to prove it.林肯在头上挥舞双臂,宣布他是“重击雄鹿”,并准备予以证明。

10.Buck admitted being pulled along by the dolphin by grabbing hold of its dorsal fin and Jukes said he had stroked its belly.巴克承认藉由抓住海豚的尾鳍,被牠拖曳而行,裘克斯则说他抚摸牠的肚腹。