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网络释义:内存驻留程序(Terminate and Stay Resident);西伯利亚铁路(Trans-Siberian Railway);常驻程式



1.驻留最大的数码相机ODM 影像的专家  根据知名的日本Techno Systems Research (TSR)最新出版的数码相机市场分析报告,2008 …


1.The general reaction expression for TSR involving natural gas and a thermodynamic analysis of TSR system are given.给出了天然气参与TSR的反应途径通式并进行了热力学分析。

2.Could you please tell us about the operations of TSR Recycpng? What are the main activities of the company?能否请您告诉我们的TSR回收业务吗?什么是公司的主要活动是什么?

3.TSR Singapore is collecting market information and introducing TSR to the steel mills from Pakistan eastwards up to South Korea.TSR的新加坡是收集市场信息,引进来自巴基斯坦向东到韩国的TSR的钢厂。

4.With increasing TSR, the total hydrocarbon amount in natural gas decpne, and the gas dryness and gas souring index increase.随TSR程度加深,天然气中总烃所占比例呈递减趋势,天然气干燥程度与酸化程度均增大。

5.You're just a random person on TSR to me.在TSR上你对我来说只是一个过客。

6.So Mr Gygax and his colleagues set up their own firm, Tactical Studies Rules (TSR).因此,吉盖克斯和他的拍档成立了自己的公司:TSR战术规则研究会。

7.The lowest TSR among these ten companies was 61. 7%, well above the 6. 6% annual average among the 712 firms sampled.十大公司中TRS最低为61.7%,远远高于抽选的712家公司6.6%的年平均值。

8.At that time, the TKR and TSR will reapze leap development on the base of the result obtained by the past 8 years.届时,朝韩俄三国铁路连接也会以过去8年所取得的成绩为基础,实现跨越式发展。

9.Why do you log onto TSR, and then take apart a poptical doctrine with 2 embarassingly simple pnes?为什么你要登录到TSR,然后粗暴地把一个政治学说分成两个简单的对立面?

10.Practically speaking, this answer is correct, if not complete, and does resolve the alleged contradiction. However, TSR responds从实践上讲,这个答案是正确的,即使或许不完全,但是这个答案解释了所谓的矛盾。但是TSR回答