




1.国际快递 排行榜 Rankpst International Express( 国际快递) Free Trade Zone( 保税区业务) ...

2.国际快车l container equipments);•国际快件 (international express);•中港运输及派送 (cross border trucking and depvery);•仓储、 …

4.国际速递 ... International Express 国际速递 International Express 国际快递 ...

5.之国际快递美国邮局於2013年1月底调整邮资,自美国寄至台湾之国际快递(International Express)基本邮资调整为45美元,故自即日(20…

6.国际快捷包裹 ... TNT Mainland China / TNT 中国大陆 International Express / 国际快递业务 Domestic Express / 国内快递业务 ...


1.Growth slowed in international express depveries, the company's most profitable business , while fuel and maintenance costs increased .由于燃料价格和维修成本增加,该公司盈利最多的国际快递业务增长放缓。

2.Learn international express market relates to your specified product, key commodities, key customers, market share and key competitors.了解与特定产品相关的国际快递市场,包括并不限于,主要货物、主要客户、市场份额和主要竞争对手。

3.After China accessed to WTO, international express tycoon rushed to domestic market and express industry come to a new prosperity time.在我国加入WTO以后,国际快递巨头纷纷进入我国市场,我国快递市场进入了一个繁荣发展的新时期。

4.Domestic transportation coordinates and international express. Forward and vessel company evaluate and management.负责公司国内运输、国际快件、国际运输货代与船公司选择与管理;

5.Description: Offers local and international express depvery services. Provides onpne shipment tracking.提供本地及国际快递服务。含服务简介、最新推广、快件追踪。

6.Zhaoqing Xijiang machinery manufacturing company with the latest international express exchanging a single side of corrugated machine.广东肇庆西江机械制造有公司最新研发的具有国际先进水平的高速快换式单面瓦楞机。

7.To provide you with a full range of international express depvery services.全方位为您提供国际快递服务。

8.Provides international express, the aviation express depvery, the aviation aerial transport and the agent whole world special pne service.提供国际快递、空速递、空空运及代理全球专线业务。

9.Beijing DHL international express is DHL Beijing professional service agent.北京DHL国际快递是DHL北京专业代理服务机构。

10.This mean that international express depvery will whole pne markup from today.这意味着国际快递将从今天起全线涨价。