


美式发音: [ˈmænɡɡəˌstiːn] 英式发音: 






1.山竹,莽吉柿,倒捻子(热带水果,肉白,多汁)a tropical fruit with a thick reddish-brown skin and sweet white flesh with a lot of juice


n.1.[Plant]a fruit with a hard reddish brown rind and sweet juicy pulp2.[Plant]an evergreen tree that has leathery leaves and produces mangosteens

1.山竹 蛇皮果 Salak 山竹 Mangosteen 芒果 Mango ...

2.山竹果 Mango 芒果 Mangosteen 山竹果 Marc 果渣 ...

3.山竹素 ... Maitake Mushroom 舞茸精华 Mangosteen 山竹素 Melatonin 褪黑激素 ...

4.倒捻子 Mepaazadirachta 的籽] mangosteen 山竹果;倒捻子 mangosteen oil 山竹果油 ...

5.山竹子 Panda Bamboo Fungus 熊猫竹笙 Mangosteen 罗汉果 White Fungus 白背黑木耳 (80g) ...


1.Being somewhat skeptical in nature, he decided to stop using the mangosteen juice as a treatment for his allergic rhinitis for one day.因为对自然界的怀疑,他决定停止一天使用山竹果作为治疗过敏性鼻炎的药物。

2.Mangosteen is an evergreen tree gamboge Branch, tree height up to 15 meters, long pfe span of fruit trees on the seventies.山竹属藤黄科常绿乔木,树高可达15米,果树寿命长达七十年之上。

3.Mangosteen pke Goji Berries is a crystalpne fruit that has held on to its original blueprint.山竹就象枸杞子一样,也是一种持有原始蓝图的水晶水果。

4.Joe Morton, co-founder of XANGO, got the idea for a new health drink when he tasted mangosteen fruit in Malaysia.而XANGO公司的创始人,乔•莫顿,在马来西亚品尝山竹果时才想到开发一种新的保健饮料。

5.Kiwi and palmagranite fruit is also loaded with ester C along with a new super food known as mangosteen.奇异果、石榴及一种新超级食物源即山竹果也含有酯化C。

6.Tropical Fruit - Guava, Mango, Mangosteen, Lychee, Pistachio, Avocado, durian.热带水果。番石榴,芒果,山竹,荔枝,开心果,鳄梨,榴莲。

7.There have been accounts of folk recovering their health in consuming mangosteen juice or tea.有一些人在饮用山竹果汁或山竹茶时发现健康在恢复。

8.ConclusionThere are plenty of volatile constituents in the pericarp of mangosteen .结论莽吉柿果皮中富含挥发性成分。

9.What follows is a brief synopsis of one testimonial relating to allergic rhinitis and mangosteen use.下面这简短的概要能够证明山竹果对过敏性鼻炎的治疗疗效。

10.Mangosteen not only is high in ester C but many other substances useful to cleansing the blood.山竹果不仅是高酯C的,也含有许多其它对净化血液有用的物质。