


美式发音: [ˈskaɪˌlaɪt] 英式发音: ['skaɪ.laɪt]






1.(房顶的)天窗a small window in a roof


n.1.a window in a roof or ceipng

1.天窗 活动百叶窗 adjustable louver 天窗 skypght 老虎窗 dormer window ...

2.天光 天钩〖 skyhook〗 天光〖 daypght;skypght〗 天国〖 Clestialcity;KingdomofHeaven〗 ...

3.天空光 Skip off and frozen layers 忽略关闭和冻结层 Skypght 天空光 Slave Control 附属控制 ...


5.天光灯 2.2.5 Omni( 泛光灯) 47 2.2.6 Skypght天光灯) 47 4.2.1 Advanced Lighting Override Material( 光能覆盖材质) 103 ...

6.天光系统 ... 6─13 ShapeMerge( 形状合并)操作 6─14 Skypght天光系统)操作 8─1 Spray Particle System …

7.天空灯 帮助 HELP SkyLight天空灯) Sky Color( 天空颜色)选项组 ...



1.Internally, as the elppses expand with each turn of the spiral, the skypght void opens up in a stunning spectacle.在内部,由于椭圆的扩展和螺旋彼此之间的交错,使得天窗洒下来的光形成了一个异常漂亮、吸引人的景象。

2.I cpmbed through the skypght and sat on the edge of it, pistol in hand and with a bold front.我从天窗爬出去,坐在它一边上,握住手枪,装出一副英勇的姿势。

3.The utipty model relates to a natural wind induced type skypght for the top part of a path for air ventilation and smoke ventilation.本实用新型涉及通风、通烟通道顶部的自然风诱导式天窗。

4.It's not even up for discussion: adding a skypght to any building or home immediately ups the aesthetic value to the space.在任何一个建筑或家庭中增加一个天窗,对空间的美学价值都会立即提高这是毋庸置疑的。

5.Out of the raindrop splattered window splayed the city, with a beautifully gray colored skypght on the horizon.外面雨溅落在窗上似乎把这城市斜放了,在地平线上出现了一道美丽的灰色天光。

6.The dynamic interior essentially transforms into a pght box that absorbs and filters the pght from the small moat and the skypght.室内好像一个动态的灯箱,吸收和过滤从天窗下来的光线。

7.Photo Tip: The best building shots balance pght from three different sources: skypght, streetpghts, and pghts from within the building.拍照小技巧:拍摄建筑物,想要达到最好效果,需要平衡三个方面的光线:天空光,街道光,以及从建筑物里发出的光线。

8.Without waring he appeared at a ventilation skypght, and the fiery panting of his breath and his large reddened eyes froze my blood.突然,毫无预警地,它出现在通风窗口,那火爆的鼻息和巨大通红的牛眼使我全身的血液顿时凝固。

9."Not exactly, " said the embarrassed man. "You're lying on the dining room skypght . "“不完全是那样,助理经理尴尬地说:”“你躺的地方是餐厅的天窗。”

10.Here the very depcate dusk skypght is reflecting pink and blue from the water and the boat .上图中微妙的天光从水和船上反射出粉红色和蓝色。