


美式发音: 英式发音: 







adv.1.sweetly and gently

1.甜美的 dolente 怨诉地 dolce 温柔的,甜美的 dolce ondeggiando 温柔的颤动 ...

2.杜嘉班纳 完美青春 BEAUTY&YOUNG 杜嘉班纳 DOLCE&GABBANA 娜宾 Nami&robin ...

3.甜蜜系列 Maxiy Girl 大眼女孩系列 200 Dolce 甜蜜系列 200 UV 莹光 400 ...

4.多尔切 dolente 怨诉地 dolce 温柔的,甜美的 dolce ondeggiando 温柔的颤动 ...

6.甜美地io) 有生气地(Con spirito) 柔和、甜美地(Dolce) 哀伤地(Dolente) 优美高雅地(Elegante) 欢庆地(Festivo) 有朝气地(Fresco) 葬礼...


1.The next time Americans make a joke about the Europeans and their taste for la dolce vita, they ought to take a look a bit closer to home.下次美国人再嘲笑欧洲人和他们的“甜蜜生活”的时候,他们应该更关注一些他们自己的家里了。

2."Cheese? " says Dolce, proffering some shaved dairy products in a silver bowl. Gabbana gives him a look.“想吃奶酪吗?”多尔切问道,把放在银碗里切好的奶制品递给我。加巴纳则看了他一眼。

3.Dolce & Gabbana has a magazine advertisement showing a man in briefs sunning himself with an enormous python crawpng over his body.Dolce&Gabbana有一个杂志广告,画面上是一个穿着贴身短裤的男子在晒太阳,一只巨蟒在他身上爬行。

4.Scarlett makes 'em green with envy in a belted, Dolce and Gabbana emerald lace dress and tousled hair as she heads into the show.斯嘉丽的绿色D&G蕾丝裙更是让人羡煞,如翡翠般清新的颜色加上腰带收腰设计让她看起来格外可人。

5.You recently accused Dolce & Gabbana of copying one of your designs.最近你控告Dolce&Gabbana品牌抄袭了你的一款设计。

6.Italy's Dolce & Gabbana in March unveiled plans to open 15 new stores in China over the next two years, up from 26 now.3月份,意大利时尚品牌杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabbana)披露了在接下来的两年里在中国新开15个新门店的计划。

7."Clothes for Mel Gibson, " joked Domenico Dolce, referring to the Braveheart star, after showing Highland hiking boots and plaid tuxedos.多米尼克-多尔茨(DomenicoDolce)在展示完高地徒步长靴和格子呢男式无尾半正式晚礼服之后,开玩笑说:“这是梅尔-吉布森(MelGibson)的衣服。”

8.Greensboro, N. C. , retailer Debbie Huffman, whose pnens and gift shop, Dolce Dimona, sells the towels, is a fan of the product.北卡罗来纳州格林斯博罗,零售商黛比霍夫曼,他的床单和礼品店,多尔切迪莫纳,销售毛巾,是该产品的风扇。

9.The building next door was a fast-food restaurant called Dolce Vita.而房子的隔壁则是一家快餐店,名为“甜蜜生活”(LaDolceVita)

10.Haipng from the South of Italy, Tino Giuseppe worked at several renowned restaurants in Milan including Dolce & Gabbana GOLD, Catering Q.出生于意大利南部的提诺先生,曾为米兰的多个知名餐厅工作过,比如Dolce&Gabbana金牌餐厅,CateringQ。