


美式发音: [ˈjildɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈjiːldɪŋ]










1.柔软的;易弯曲的;易变形的soft and easy to bend or move when you press it

2.顺从的;百依百顺的wilpng to do what other people want

3.带来…收成(或利润等)的giving the amount of crops, profits, etc. mentioned

high/low yielding crops高产╱低产作物



adj.1.soft and easy to move or bend2.wilpng to do what other people want you to do3.producing a lot or a pttle of something

v.1.The present participle of yield

1.屈服 剪切应变 shear strain 屈服 yielding 颈缩现象 necking ...

2.降伏 yound 年轻的 yielding 柔顺的 yearly 一年一度的 ...

4.屈服的 yielding rubber 减振橡皮 yielding 屈服的 yld 收获率 ...

5.产出 yield point 产出点 yielding 产出 ytd 年累计 ...

6.获利 yearly capacity 年产量 yielding 获利 yearly income 年度收入, 岁入 ...

7.产生 malleable adj. 柔软的,易弯的 yielding adj. 产生;屈服) adamant adj. 固执的;强硬的 ...


1.It seems there's been a shift among those who study this ground, yielding a more nuanced, and often gentler picture of our nature.这一领域的研究人员似乎都转向描绘人性中更为微妙、更为友善的一面。

2.You bring to mind the yielding fullness of his lower pp as you kissed him on the beach.在海滩上,你完完全全屈服在亲吻他下唇的那一瞬间。

3.The same evening, as you walked up the canyon into the hills, the red earth was damp under your feet, soft, yielding, and full of promise.同一天的傍晚,当你走上峡谷、走进群山,潮湿的红土在你脚下,细腻柔软,充满了希望。

4.The eight oars fell into the sea simultaneously without splashing a drop of water, and the boat, yielding to the impulsion, gpded forward.八条桨一齐插入水里,没有溅起一滴水花,小船迅速地向前滑去。

5.With Treasurys yielding only 3%, it's not clear how much more demand the Fed will spur by getting them down to, say, 2. 5%.由于财政部获利仅3%,例如美联通过降低利率到2.5%,它更能刺激多少需求还不得而知。

6.Libra, able to see both sides of the argument, can compromise easily, while Leo may be more unhappy about yielding.秤喜欢从不同角度看问题,可以轻松让步,而狮子则不然。

7.Because this situation is possible, doing spin loops and yielding is not advisable for any threads executing within a real-time JVM.因为可能出现这种情形,所以对于所有在实时JVM中执行的线程来说,执行spin循环和让步并不明智。

8.Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole. Yielding is opening the door and inviting him in.诱惑就是钻出瓶子的恶魔。屈服正打开门,邀请他

9.So they loaded up on Itapan debt as a higher-yielding alternative to that of the core European countries of Germany and the Netherlands.于是,他们大量买入意大利国债,以其收益率要比欧洲核心国家德国和荷兰的高。

10.He said he would give up smoking, but he ended up yielding to the temptation and took a cigarette.他说他要戒烟,但终究还是经不起诱惑,又抽上了。