


美式发音: [θrɪft] 英式发音: [θrɪft]



复数:thrifts  同义词反义词





1.节约;节俭the habit of saving money and spending it carefully so that none is wasted

2.海石竹(海边野生植物,花鲜艳,呈粉红色)a wild plant with bright pink flowers that grows by the sea/ocean


n.1.the practice of spending money carefully so that you do not waste any2.an institution similar to a bank that allows its members to save or borrow money

1.节俭 customer 顾客;客户 17. thrift 节俭;节约 5. discount 折扣 18. ...

2.节约 customer 顾客;客户 17. thrift 节俭;节约 5. discount 折扣 18. ...

3.海石竹 thrift 节约, 茂盛, 海石竹... filbert 榛树, 榛子... ...

4.繁荣 thigh n. 大腿,股 thrift n. 节约,繁荣 toll n. 费用 ...

5.节省 strongbox 保险箱 thrift 节俭;节省 treasure 金银财宝;珍藏 ...

6.储蓄机构Loan, S&L) 是美国的一种合作性质的非银行储蓄机构Thrift),创立的最初目的是为了作为商业银行、货币贷放者以及典当 …

7.节俭,节约 threshold n. 门槛;开端;界限;临界值 thrift n. 节俭,节约;健壮;繁茂 thrifty a. 节俭的;兴旺的;健壮的 ...

8.节约,节俭 pyramid 金字塔 866 thrift 节约节俭 867 ferry 渡船 868 ...


1.America has always been a country that thrives on hard work, thrift and self-repance.美国一向是个依靠勤奋、节俭和自力更生而兴旺发达的国家。

2.The bank also is expected to provide a strong showing from retail branches that it acquired last fall from failed thrift Washington Mutual.预计该银行去年秋季从已倒闭的储蓄银行WashingtonMutual收购的零售业务也将有强劲表现。

3.While I'm proud of Mariana's thrift, I'm not trying to hold her up as a model for the masses.我对玛丽安娜的节俭引以为豪,却并不想让大家把她当作榜样。

4.All that borrowing set the stage for our current economic morass, and now thrift is back in vogue.正是这些借贷让我们的经济陷入泥沼,现在勤俭之风又回来了。

5.But for all his thrift at home, Mr. Roberts and his wife both gave generously to others.罗伯茨在家里省吃俭用,但他们夫妇对外人却很慷慨。

6.Becky is such a thrift whore- she found a flying horse for a dollar!贝琪真是个淘旧货达人,用一块钱就找到一件飞马饰品。

7.Did you know a woman actually managed to find an authentic Chanel bag in a thrift store?你是否知道曾有一个妇人就曾尝试在二手店买一个真正的香奈儿包包?

8.The second-hand shops should not be confused with the kind of high street thrift shops found in London or New York.不能把中国新涌现的这些二手商店与伦敦或纽约商业街上的那种旧货店混为一谈。

9.If my son has any habits of thrift at all, he has picked them up as rare examples, probably from his wife's family.假使儿子有那么一点点节俭的美德,这很可能是受他夫人家极少的良好熏陶而来。

10.in a nation of gadget lovers , a ban on reselpng old apppances has everyone from musicians and artists to thrift shop owners up in arms.对于一个国家的小器具爱好者,关于转售旧器具的禁令引起了从音乐家和艺术家到旧货店主的竭力反对。