


美式发音: [ɡʌŋk] 英式发音: [ɡʌŋk]







1.肮脏讨厌的黏性物质;黏糊糊的东西any unpleasant, sticky or dirty substance


n.1.any soft sticky or dirty substance

1.料斗 granule 颗粒料 gunk 料斗 hot mark 热斑 ...

2.泥状物质 gun type a bomb 枪式原子弹 gunk 泥状物质 gyration radius 回转半径 ...

3.黏性物质 barracuda n. 鱼, 梭鱼类 gunk n. 无特殊形状之一堆, 黏性物质 hobbpng v. 蹒跚 ...

4.预混料 Guiding device 导向装置 Gunk 预混料 Gusset 角撑件 ...

5.油腻物 ... grease 油脂 gunk 油腻物 kerosene 煤油 ...

6.化油器清洁剂.开始往各个油嘴里喷,如果不通的话,还要拿细铁丝或针头来打通它!!!清清主油嘴..... 清清副油嘴.....

7.粘性物质工足够多的文件后,克雷恩说,diaTM能够学会像“粘性物质”(gunk)这样的词语,并且它能够适当处理用户的搜索中包含“粘 …

8.粘液 ... 菜刀 Cleaver 粘液 Gunk 狂暴 Riot ...


1.Oh, kind of ya, friend. Very kind. You know, if I could clear the gunk out of there, you, just might find a tear in Old Harold's eye.哦,你真好,朋友。你真是好人。你知道的,如果我清理掉这些粘液,你,会看见老哈罗德眼中的泪水。

2.I sat down in some gunk at the mall and now I can't get it out of my clothes.我在购物中心里坐到了粘东西上,现在我没办法儿把它从衣服上弄掉。

3.Check the oil filter to see if it is plugged up with gunk. A clogged oil filter can also result in low oil pressure.检查油过滤器是否被粘性物质堵住。一个被堵住的过滤器也能引起油压不足。

4.Some of Iceland's volcanoes can shoot hundreds of times as much gunk into the atmosphere as Eyjafjallajokull has, and over long periods.与Eyjafjallajokull火山相比,冰岛的一些火山能够喷发到大气中上百倍的火山灰,并且会持续更长的时间。

5.All of a sudden what was once a pile of gunk on the colony floor becomes a "Problem to Be Solved. "突然间这块蚁穴中曾经的废物变成了一个“待解决的问题”。

6.Other researchers also focused on mixing phenol and formaldehyde, which turned into a sticky mess of gunk.其他研究人员还集中在混合苯酚和甲醛,但只弄得粘粘糊湖的一摊烂泥。

7.At the moment excess gunk runs off into rivers, gathers in lakes and produces toxic blooms of algae.目前过剩的肥料流入河流,在湖中富集,有毒的藻类大量繁殖。

8.Where did all that gunk come from?那些粘粘的东西都是从哪里来的呢?

9.And do they wash it all, or are the sides covered with dried gunk ?他们是彻底清洗,还是让四面留着干嘎巴儿?

10.Proteases, particularly the enzyme trypsin, target protein-based food scraps and gunk that stop up drains.蛋白酶,特别是胰蛋白酶分解含有蛋白质基质食物的残渣和堵塞下水道的粘性物质。