


美式发音: ['mʌlə] 英式发音: ['mʌlə]





n.1.研磨器,粉碎机;研杵;搅棒2.马勒3.烫酒的人;烫酒器4.H. J. Muller 马勒1.研磨器,粉碎机;研杵;搅棒2.马勒3.烫酒的人;烫酒器4.H. J. Muller 马勒

n.1.a heavy smooth object made of stone, metal, wood, or glass, used for grinding paints or drugs on a flat surface

1.穆勒 muleshoe sub 斜口接头 muller 研磨机 mullet 钻井投资者 ...

6.平底乳钵 mull dressing 软布敷料 muller 平底乳钵(研磨器) multi- 多,多数 ...

7.粉碎机 scoop( 勺子;戽斗) muller 磨杵, 粉碎机, 研磨机 mellow 成熟的, 醇的, 熟练的 ...



1.Muller said the financing for the Saab offer was in place, but did not reveal any further details.Muller说,收购萨博的融资事宜已准备妥当,但未透露更多细节。

2.Muller and others bepeve that the dark star probably takes about 26m years to complete an orbit around the sun.马勒和其他一些人认为,这颗暗星绕太阳运行一周大约要用2600万年的时间。

3.The important networks don't function as well because "there are these abnormal retained connections all over the place, " Muller says.这些脑部的重要连接不工作的主要原因在于“患儿脑袋里满是那些被保持下来的异常的连接”Muller说。

4.Although the name of the discoverer of sapcylate ototoxicity is still debated, most authors have quoted Muller and his 1877 report.虽然名称发现者水杨酸中毒仍然是辩论,大多数作者引述穆勒和他的1877年报告。

5.Muller had a sheet detached from the file in front of him.马勒面前放着从卷宗里抽出来的一张纸。

6.A congenital malformation, in consequence of Muller tubes defective development, has been a direct cause of the disease.先天畸形,在穆勒管缺陷的结果发展,一直是该疾病的直接原因。

7.Perhaps John would have found Muller more pkeable if he had been less adaptable .如果马勒不是如此善于应变,约翰会觉得他更可爱些。

8.So over the next several years, Mr. Muller traveled to Bhutan, New Zealand and Hawaii, and kayaked in the Grand Canyon.在下面的几年里,穆勒周游了不丹,新西兰,和夏威夷,独自游历了大峡谷。

9.But Muller is confident because this deal is essentially simpler, a straight sale of the company.不过米勒信心满满,因为这笔交易很简单——直接把公司全卖了。

10.Mueller will now attemptto develop a specific treatment for those with both conditions, she said.Muller说,她现在就要尝试开发出一种针对同时有两种强迫症患者的特殊治疗方法。