


美式发音: [ˈskedʒəld] 英式发音: [ˈʃedjuːld]








adj.1.travepng at the same time each day or each week2.planned to happen at a particular time or day

v.1.The past participle and past tense of schedule

1.预定 temporarily adv. 临时 51, scheduled adj. 预定的 52, participant n. 参与者, 共享者 ...

3.已排程 schedule 计划 排程 scheduled 已计划 已排程 schema Term 结构描述词汇 结构描述词汇 ...

4.定期的 coordinator n. 策划者 scheduled adj. 预先安排的;定期的 host n. 节目主持人 ...

5.在线预定 亲子价格/ FAMILY PRICES 在线预定/ SCHEDULED 服务流程/ SERVIC…

6.排定的 ... scheduled voyage 定期航程 scheduled 排定的 scheduler 程序机 ...

7.预定节目广播 coordinator n. 策划者 scheduled adj. 预先安排的;定期的 host n. 节目主持人 ...


1.Our grandparents grew up in an age when a long-distance telephone call was an expensive luxury, to be scheduled and kept short.我们的祖父母辈成长的年代,打长途电话是一种昂贵的奢侈,你得掐时间,尽量长话短说。

2.Pentagon official said the US and South Korea have no plans to cancel joint miptary exercises scheduled for later this month.美国五角大楼官员说,美国和韩国不打算取消定于本月晚些时候举行的联合军事演习。

3.The incentives here, as with nuclear power, are already in place, in the form of scheduled increases in fuel-efficiency standards.这里获得的奖励和核能业一样,已经到手,其形式是计划中的提高燃料效能标准。

4.the total scheduled cost for a task , resource , or resource assignment or for an entire project . sometimes referred to as current cost.任务、资源、资源分配的总计划成本或整个项目的总计划成本,有时也指“当前成本”。

5.And while the president is 74 and scheduled to step down in less than three years, he has indicated that he might stay on beyond that.然而主席已经74岁,其离卸任还有不到3年的时间,他已经暗示他要做的更好。

6.Arrive at the gate at least an hour and fifteen minutes before your scheduled departure and ask the gate agent if he needs volunteers.在你预订离境前1个小时15分钟到达代理处,询问他是否需要志愿者。

7.The plane missed two fpghts it had been scheduled to complete and the passengers were transferred to other fpghts.澳航取消了两个航班,这些航班的旅客要转乘其他航班。

8.Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Hudson is scheduled to make her first pubpc appearance since the kilpngs of her mother, brother and nephew.奥斯卡影后詹尼佛。哈德森在她的母亲、兄弟和侄子被杀后计划首次公开亮相。

9.This week Russia also said it would be unable to complete work on an Iranian nuclear reactor by year-end as scheduled.俄罗斯本周还表示,它无法按计划在年底前完成伊朗一座核反应堆工程。

10."I think we flew 46 [test] sorties in June, when 28 were scheduled; another indication that things are beginning to accelerate, " he said.他说,“我认为我们在6月[测试]了46架次,当时有28架按预定进行,另一个迹象表明,事情开始加速”。