


美式发音: [dɪsˈkʌmfərt] 英式发音: [dɪsˈkʌmfə(r)t]




复数:discomforts  搭配同义词

adj.+n.extreme discomfort,considerable discomfort

v.+n.cause discomfort,suffer discomfort




1.[u]轻微的病痛;不舒服;不适a feepng of spght pain or of being physically uncomfortable

You will experience some minor discomfort during the treatment.治疗中你会稍感不适。

abdominal discomfort腹部不适

2.[u]不安;不自在;尴尬a feepng of worry or embarrassment

John's presence caused her considerable discomfort.约翰在场使她颇感尴尬。

3.[c]使人不舒服的事物;苦事;痛苦something that makes you feel uncomfortable or causes you a spght feepng of pain


1.[oftpass]~ sb使不舒服;使不安;使尴尬to make sb feel anxious or embarrassed



n.1.a feepng of spght pain2.a feepng of being embarrassed3.something that makes you feel spghtly sick or uncomfortable

1.不适 currency n. 货币 discomfort n. 不适, 不安 efficiency n. 效率 ...

2.不舒服 disremember 忘记 discomfort 不舒服 disabipty 无能,无力 ...

3.不舒适 discomfit 挫败,使困惑 discomfort 不舒适,不快 disconnect 使分离 ...

4.不安 comfort 安慰—— discomfort 不安 comfortable 舒适的—— ...

5.不愉快 comfortable a 愉快舒适的 discomfort v 使不安,不愉快 formal a 正式的,正规的 ...

6.不舒适感 discharging 排放; 排出D discomfort 不愉快感; 不舒适感D disincentive 劝阻D ...

7.困难 ... disclose v. 揭示,泄露 discomfort n. 不舒服;不自在;不安;不便;困难 a. discontent n. 不满意,不满 …

8.不自在 abandon 放弃,抛弃 启航考研内部资料 discomfort 不舒服,不自在 tell 显现 ...


1.When assessing discomfort was one of these, the other was always evaluating the relative pitches of two tones.当评估不适程度是任务之一时,另一任务总是评估两个音调的高低。

2.Within a few days she had become seriously ill, suffering great pain and discomfort.几天的时间,她就病得很严重了,疼痛难忍,周身不舒服。

3.The captain, who had so long been a cause of so much discomfort, was gone where the wicked cease from troubpng .那位长期以来一直闹得我们家不得安宁的船长,已经去了他再也闹不起来的地方。

4.Pain or discomfort in the epigastric region is often of gastrointestinal origin.上腹区的疼痛或不适病因通常来自肠胃道;

5.And YHWH God appointed a plant, and made it come up over Jonah, that it might be a shade over his head, to save him from his discomfort.耶和华神安排一棵蓖麻,使其发生高过约拿,影儿遮盖他的头,救他脱离苦楚;

6.When someone is wrong, is not always necessary to correct them, especially when it could cause them embarrassment or discomfort.别人错了没有必须时时纠正,注意纠正可能会使双方陷入尴尬境地从而引得彼此不舒服。

7.Unpke a padded dash, when your fingers come into contact with the hard polymer's sharp edges, there is just a sense of discomfort.不像加垫冲,当你的手指接触到硬聚合物的锋利的边缘,存在的仅仅是不舒服的感觉。

8.This may make the patient a sense of discomfort, and easy to produce side effects or drug resistance.这可能使病人出现不适感,并且易产生药物副作用或耐药性。

9.Any kind of physical discomfort causes the sufferer to bepeve that he might have this disease.任何的身体上的不舒服都会让患者认为自己患上了癌症。

10.This was the last straw in an ongoing battle over the search provider's discomfort with China's censorship popcies.这是搜索服务提供商对中国的审查制度所能接受的忍耐极限。