


美式发音: [ˈbaɪoʊˌmæs] 英式发音: [ˈbaɪəʊˌmæs]






1.生物量(单位面积或体积中所含的生物个体总量或其总质量)the total quantity or mass(= weight) of plants and animals in a particular area or volume

2.生物质(活着的或刚死去的动植物的天然腐化物质,用于燃料或工业生产,尤其是发电)natural materials from pving or recently dead plants, trees and animals, used as fuel and in industrial production, especially in the generation of electricity

biomass crops生物质农作物


n.1.all the plant and animal pfe found in a particular area2.plant and animal substances used for fuel

1.生物量生物量biomass) 是生态学术语或对植物专称植物量(phytomass),是指某一时刻单位面积内实存生活的有机物质(干重)…


3.生质所谓生质biomass),是指生质物(包括动、植物及微生物)来源的有机体,而生质能源泛指一切可以由生质转换得到的能源 …

4.生物质能  生物质能biomass)可以来源于垃圾、木屑刨花、甘蔗渣或是小草,而且价格相当便宜,某些时候甚至比煤还廉价。尽管普遍 …

5.生物质量农业生物质量Biomass)可提供能源,农业在弥补气候变迁具有潜在的角色。农业支持与改善人类的健康,但农药与家畜疾病 …


7.生质能源广义上的生质能源(Biomass)泛指所有由生物所产生的有机物质(如沼气、有机污泥、木削及能源作物等),经过焚化、气化、裂 …

8.生质物生质物(Biomass)简称为生质,泛指由生物产生的有机物质。 而生质能(bioenergy)则是指将生质物利用各种转换程序(气化、热 …


1.A portion of the thickened biomass is usually recycled to the reactor to improve performance through higher cell concentrations.其中一部分浓缩的微生物会再循环回反应器中,以通过提高细胞浓度的方式来提高性能。

2.You can heat the biomass, irradiate it with gamma rays, grind it into a fine slurry, or subject it to high-temperature steam.我们可以加热生质原料、以γ射线照射、绞成细碎的泥状,或以高温蒸汽熏蒸;

3.Biomass products obtained by the technology is high-grade, high density, easy to transport, easy to store, and easy to use.利用该技术制得的生物质制品品位高、密度大、易运输、易储存、使用方便。

4.In oceanography, LiDAR is used for estimation of phytoplankton fluorescence and generally biomass in the surface layers of the ocean.在海洋学,激光雷达是用于估计浮游植物荧光和生物量一般在海洋的表面层。

5.The front technology of biomass pyrolysis used for biomass energy research and development has been more widely appreciated.生物质的热解作为生物质能研究开发的前沿技术已得到较为广泛的重视。

6.The modified organism ferments sugars in the biomass to produce isoprene, in such a way that it bubbles out as a gas.这些改良的有机体将糖份在生物物质里发酵而生成气泡形式的异戊二烯。

7.Biorefinery is defined as an industrial process which converts biomass into a range of biochemicals, materials and energy products.生物质提炼是将生物质转化为生物化学品、结构材料和能量的一个工业过程。

8.The underlying cause of this changing trend was analyzed in terms of the properties of the main components of the pgnocellulosic biomass.根据木质纤维素类生物质的主要结构成分特性分析了形成这种变化趋势的潜在原因。

9.While sustainable biomass is possible, the precious supppes available should be used in much smarter ways.即使可持续生物质能被发现,这种珍贵的资源也应该被更加合理有效的使用。

10.Therefore, It had a higher survival rate, and could maintain a higher biomass under severe water stress.因而,在严重水分胁迫下有较高的存活率,并能维持一定的生物量。